Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Identify the Enemy’s Obstacles and Fulfill Your God-Given Destiny

“Every destiny will be contested. Your destiny will not come forth without facing some giants in the land, understanding what obstacles are facing you and making a plan,” says entrepreneur, author and ministry leader Linda Fields on “The Linda Fields Show” on the Charisma Podcast Network.

And that’s true, she says, because “God is on the move. God is a God who has called you to something. God doesn’t call you to coast. God doesn’t call us to settle,” she adds. “Settling is the enemy of accomplishing your destiny in God.”

The first step in accomplishing your destiny, Fields says, is identifying your biggest obstacle. “Identify the thing that just stares you in the face every time you think about accomplishing your destiny and the things that God has put before you this year.

“For some of you, it will be your very own doubt, vices in your head when you lay your head down at night, [that will] tell you things like, ‘You’ll never do it. You’re not smart enough. It’s too late.’ The lies abound, and the enemy has a reel of saved-up messages that he’ll play for you. But you know what? We don’t even need him to play them,” Fields says. “We usually play them ourselves. And so let’s just get real honest that sometimes our biggest obstacle is our own viewpoint or our own doubt.”

But other obstacles, including more of Satan’s ploys, also stand in the way of you achieving your destiny. Find out more about how to set them aside and achieve what God has in mind for you when you listen to this podcast. {eoa}

About Linda Fields: Linda Fields, MBA, is an American educator, marketplace ministry leader, entrepreneur, author and keynote speaker teaching a unique approach to personal leadership and professional success. She is an ordained evangelical Christian minister and host of “The Linda Fields Show” on the Charisma Podcast network. Find her at

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