Tue. Oct 8th, 2024

How to Break the Power of Deception

We follow a script whether we like it or not. Here's how the Holy Spirit can rewrite the script of your life.

The possibilities are endless. However, it does have to be a new habit you want to start. If you don’t want to start it, your brain will understand this by your actions. Your brain can only overwrite the neural pathway if you are intentional about what you want.

It’s really not your brain which is lying to you, but your habits which are lying to your brain.

Schedule Change

Yesterday, I decided my schedule needed to be adjusted. I was getting less done because I was exercising in the middle of the day. This meant I got little done in the morning and when I got home, I was tired and got less done.

So, I overwrote my old neural pathway which said exercise at 10 a.m. with exercise at 3 p.m. This has worked so much better. I feel like I’ve discovered at least five extra hours in my day.

Mind of Christ

It seemed to happen on accident. I had no appointments in the morning and only one in the afternoon. So, I waited to exercise until later. On the way home, I heard His still, small voice (1 Kin. 19:12) tell me, “I orchestrated this to answer your prayer about how to have extra time in your day.” It was as if all of the sudden, I had the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16), for real. However, I know as a Christian I have His mind all the time, if I will listen.

It was a moment of clarity which showed me listening to my spirit is really the best course of action. My spirit is the part of me which needs to lead me. When I am aware and tuned in, I can then access the mind of Christ.

His mind is totally different from mine. My mind is sort of like a computer. It only gives out the data I put in. To access the mind of Christ, which is already resident in me, I have to switch gears to be in tune with the Spirit of God. To know if I am in tune with His Spirit, I have to know the character of God. To know the character of God, I must know His word. I must allow Him to teach me what the Scriptures mean and how to apply them in practical everyday situations.

What It Means

This is really what it means to have the mind of Christ. I must see everything through the filter of what would Jesus have me do? What is God’s way? What does He want here?

I must put in good, solid Spirit-led information, combined with the positive outcomes I must take to do things God’s way. These then allow me to access the mind of Christ within me. This is a combination of the ability to get things done and the ability to do the things only God wants me to do.

I can guarantee, if you are accessing the mind of Christ, it will not lie to you or lead you to do opposite what is the best for your life.

How can I remove this mountain of flesh which is attached to my body? That’s the prayer I prayed, and God gave me a simple answer. However the simple answer was difficult to implement. Eventually I found a mentor and group of peers to help me. The group and the connection with God helped me lose over 260 pounds. Now I’m offering you the same kind of group. Sweet Change Weight Loss Coaching Group will help you. During November and December in the group, we’re going back to the basics to help you begin to regain your life. For a short time, commit to two months in Sweet Change Group at a discounted rate. Let this be the last weight loss program you’ll ever need. Go HERE to sign up. {eoa}

Teresa Shields Parker is a wife, mother, business owner, life group leader, speaker and author of Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds and Stopped Trying to Earn God’s Favor and Sweet Grace Study Guide: Practical Steps to Lose Weight and Overcome Sugar Addiction. Get a free chapter of her memoir on her blog at teresashieldsparker.com.

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