Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How This Woman Learned to See Male-Female Relationships in a New and Godly Way

The truth is, we women really do love our men. We love them so much that we tend to only see the good in them through hopeful vision. On the other hand, we can see the bad in them through hurt vision. Yet no matter how we see men, we truly love you. Some of us were taught how to view them through generational hurt and pain. On the other hand, some of us learned through the man or men who hurt us.
Those of us who had good fathers growing up only want in a man the same qualities we were raised with. We want a male friend to be as a brother. We want our boyfriend or husband to be a protector and a provider. Most importantly, we want to feel physically and emotionally safe.
Most of us were taught being strong means being controlling. We won’t admit it, but it’s true. Most of us don’t want or have the desire to manipulate or control men. We really don’t want to teach a man how to treat us.
Maybe it’s unrealistic, but the facts are, we just want a man to already know what a woman needs. Generations of women have been hurt by men. Yet we still rise up in the belief that one day, this relationship will work, this brother will respect me or I can feel safe with this guy.
I really never knew any better until God showed me through His Word what our roles are. Scripture gives us many examples of honor and respect from men toward women. My eyes began to open as He showed me 17 years ago, and I then made the decision to count everything I thought I knew as dung.
I want to see differently. I have chosen to believe I can have and I will have a healthy, godly relationship with a man. I have finally grown into my worth. I share my message with people because there are many living in shame and guilt about their experiences. They have been feeling as if they did this to themselves. They have no idea that they are not alone—that maybe, just maybe, this is generational, or this could be a manifestation of things buried in their subconscious.
Men and women are both worthy of having a healthy, loving relationship. You are worthy of true love. Soon, I’ll be writing something I’ve never openly spoken about concerning male and female relationships. I’m giving the point of view from the darkest place women don’t want to deal with, but we constantly laugh about it and, for most, are living it.
After having turned 51 years old on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020, I am living free. I’ve been serving the Father now for 17 years nonstop. I’m tired of living a lie. What I’ve seen, been taught and have lived all those years in the past are over! I’m done with it! None of it worked, and none of those who taught by action, words and deeds are in healthy relationships themselves to this day. Let me tell you what God showed and told me about it! Stay tuned …
Click here to hear more from Dr. Gina on male-female relationships.

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