Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

How These Hollywood Couples Keep God at the Center

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” (Eccl. 4:9-10, NIV).

Work in Hollywood is grueling. Very long production hours on location meet countless rewrites for screenwriters, endless hours of planning, budget meetings and sometimes reshoots for particular scenes. The long periods away from family puts a major strain on families, and it’s no surprise that divorce is a common end result for marriages. However, while many marriages end in failure in America, there are many Christian couples working in Hollywood who have openly shared how they keep their marriage grounded.

It’s often said, “Master, mission, mate.” This is a powerful motto that shows that unity in marriage comes from having one’s priorities in line: God, the mission or call on one’s life and then finding a spouse with a common master and mission. Many couples in the entertainment industry make great strides to put this mentality into action. Here are just a few examples…

Keeping Faith at The Center of One’s Marriage

On the red carpet at the Movieguide® Awards this past year, actor Neal McDonough’s (Project Blue Book) wife Ruve jumped at the opportunity to applaud her husband’s leadership. She said, “we have five kids, and Neal’s faith has kept us strong through it all, and he’s stuck to his gut.” The couple was married in 2003, so, with over 15 years of married life in the books, Neal added, “Everyone has ups and downs no matter what it is, but, if you have unwavering faith in God and then family, it makes life a whole lot more enjoyable.” McDonough’s faith in God also prompts him to honor his wife while working in Hollywood, as he refuses to even kiss another woman while acting on screen.

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at Movieguide®.

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