Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How the Holy Spirit Works as Your Helper in Any Situation

The Holy Spirit is our daily help.

Help! I choked as I said this word, bungling my way past my seatmate to hustle to the lavatory at the back of the airplane for the umpteenth time.

I was flying home from a recent trip to Africa, and my stomach was looking for every way possible to expel the mischievous amoeba creating chaos in my digestive tract. The common translation for this experience is food poisoning. I dislike asking for help, but this nice woman was quick to oblige, especially since I’d already used both of our “gag bags.”

I lost count of how many times I ran to the tiny lavatory. By the time we landed, I was pale, weak and dehydrated. Obviously I needed help, despite my reluctance to admit it.

Do You Ask for Help?

How do you feel about asking for help? Maybe, like me, you find it difficult to admit you need help, let alone ask for it. Or perhaps you are gracious and vulnerable in seeking, receiving and even giving assistance. Regardless of how you feel about asking for help, here’s something important to consider: Helper is the name Jesus gave the Holy Spirit at the beginning of His tutorial about the third person of the Trinity in John 14-16. In John 14:16, Jesus said, “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Counselor, that He may be with you forever.”

The word used in John’s Gospel for the Helper is the Greek word paraklete. When I first began studying Jesus’ introduction of the Holy Spirit to His disciples, I realized that paraklete was an abundantly common word, used hundreds of times throughout the New Testament. So I was frustrated at first, trying to figure out what exactly He meant by this idea of “Helper” or “help.” Then I realized that the New Testament uses paraklete in many different ways to illustrate the Helper is in our lives to help us in innumerable ways!

How the Helper Helps

In my life, I’ve experienced the Helper giving me wisdom on dealing with my kids, strength to keep my mouth shut, insight on constructive conversations, confidence when insecurity feels overwhelming and much more!

The Holy Spirit is our daily help. Take a few minutes to consider all the places where you can ask for heavenly help—and then do it! Maybe you could use some help today with balancing all the things you need to get done in a short amount of time. Maybe you need healing in your body, health in your emotions or wisdom in your finances—heavenly help is available for the asking!

Sarah Bowling is the founder of Saving Moses, a mission organization dedicated to reducing infant mortality around the world. She is also a Bible teacher, international speaker, author and pastor. Visit

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