Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How Religion Twists the Role of Women in Ministry

church spires and steeple

Walk in your uniqueness as a Woman and Man of God. You are to honor God with the life He created in you. Men feel they have to perform, and women feel they have to conform. But God says we are both to be transformed by the renewing of our minds with the Word. When we honor each other as we function in our divine purpose, God commands His blessing.

I thank God every day that my husband has given me the freedom to develop the gift that God has imparted within my spirit. He has encouraged me in every step of my ministry and supported me in everything God has called me to do. Have we had some disagreements? How can two become one without a few good disagreements, and yes, a little shouting!

Joyce Tilney is founder of Women of God Ministries, teaching women today from women of yesterday. She is a conference speaker and author. Her latest book, Why Diets Don’t Work—Food Is Not The Problem, has helped many overcome the battle of the bulge. For information, visit her websites: www.wogministries and

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