How God Totally Changed Missy Robertson’s Business Plan

Missy Robertson, a former reality TV star, stumbled into hiring addicts for her jewelry business, Laminin.

“When I started this jewelry company, my initial thought was to create a business where I could spend more time with my kids and have a community of moms who needed to add that support to their families but also wanted to be with their children,” Robertson says.

“And then God said, ‘No, we’re going to take this in a different direction,”’ Robertson says.

Her business has flourished as she’s honored the Lord and hired multiple women who have a history with opioid addiction.

“Whether it’s word of mouth, whether it’s God sending me these women because of what we’re doing and being successful at it, He’s like, ‘This is what you need to do.'”

Robertson said that though she hasn’t intentionally sought out women with a history of drug addiction, those are the women who often need jobs.

She shares their heartbreaking stories—and the Lord’s redemptive power—in her interview for “Addicted” on the Charisma News podcast, sponsored by Courage for Life.

Listen to the podcast for all the details.

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