Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How God Shapes a Woman’s Heart

Asian woman looking up

But He also offers to heal our broken hearts. He has come to set the captives free. Look again at the Scripture He chose to describe Himself and His mission when He began His earthly ministry: “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” (Is. 61:1).

Jesus came for the brokenhearted captives. That’s me. That’s you. And healing is possible in ever-increasing amounts throughout our lives.

The more that you long for is available, but in order to live the life you long to live, in order to have the intimacy with Jesus you long to have and in order to play the irreplaceable role that is yours to play, you will need your heart. You will need deeper healing and a deeper intimacy with your Lord.

One of the most healing things you can ever do as a woman is to ask God to answer the core question of your heart. You still need an answer. Ask Him, “Am I lovely? Do You delight in me?”

God is our True Father. We have been bought with a price, we belong to Him. Only God has the authority and the right to truly tell you who you are as a woman. Ask Him. He’d love to speak to your heart.

Sisters, we are not defined by our dress size. Neither our identity nor our worth is based on our pounds, our pain, our ministry, our relationships or our finances. We are defined by the love of God.

The enemy of our souls whispers incessantly to us that it is all too hard, that we are not enough, that we never will be. He is a liar. Look to your God.

In His eyes, you have never been anything but a captivating woman who has captured His heart. Your identity is based on the fact that you are the beloved of the living God.

Still sitting at that red light, I invited Jesus into my sadness. I expressed my desire to Him for more—more intimacy with Him, more healing of my heart and more connection in my friendships.

Once again, I asked Jesus to come for my broken heart, to come for me. And although the sadness did not immediately lift, I knew I was no longer alone in it. My God had come for me, in that place, and hope began to rise.

What do you want to press into Jesus for? Ask Him to come to you. Ask Him to heal the places in your heart where you are hurting. Ask Him to reveal to you the places that need His healing touch.

He loves to come, dear one. Not because He’s God and that’s His job, but because He loves you with an everlasting love that we have only begun to understand.

He’d like to show you how much He loves you, again. Go ahead. Ask Him to show you. Ask Him to heal you. Ask Him to restore your desires. Ask Him to restore your soul.

His name is Faithful and True. Those who look to Him with hope will not be disappointed.

He promised.

Read a companion devotional.

Stasi Eldredge has written Your Captivating Heart and You Are Captivating. She is also the co-author of Love and War and Captivating.

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