Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How God Gave a Sick Woman a Healing Ministry

man walks

Years ago, the doctors told me my life was ending. Today, the adventures of living seem to be ever increasing!

A Hunger for More 

What I experienced in the early days of renewal at TACF has not left me. I continue to be overwhelmed by this marvelous Jesus who gives me hope and life and is fulfilling the desires of my heart.

The Holy Spirit has stirred a hunger within me for more of Him, more of His power and more of His glory. I am more desperate now than ever for the Spirit to move through me and do even greater things, not only in my life, but also through me in the lives of others.

I have an intense longing to heal the sick, raise the dead, and share Jesus with more and more people. I want God’s awesome love to touch everyone I meet.

I love waking up in the morning in whatever country I am in and asking the Holy Spirit, “What are we going to do today?” I feel His love burning in me like a fire. My desire each day is to do what pleases Him.

Then, before I fall asleep at night, I love to reflect on all the experiences and activities of the day. One evening, after a powerful time of ministry, I heard the Lord say very clearly in the depths of my spirit: “Well done. I am proud of you.”

It is for this that I live—to please the Holy Spirit. This is what makes me happy! This is what makes me feel alive!

It has been more than 12 years now since I was powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit at TACF—since I first felt His inebriating love fill my life. I still get totally overcome by the Spirit, and all I can do is laugh.

“In [His] presence is fullness of joy” (Ps. 16:11) is the experience of my life. “The joy of the Lord is [my] strength” (Neh. 8:10).

Some people say that I am “drunk in the Holy Spirit.” That’s OK with me. The Holy Spirit’s active presence in my life fills me with boldness, courage and a desire to always please Him. His love flowing through me continues to bring freshness to my life.

I am alive today because of the love and power of a great, mighty and merciful God. I want nothing more than to bring Him glory—for such a time as this.

Carole Baerg lives in Toronto, Canada, and spends much of her time traveling and ministering throughout Canada, Europe and the United States.

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