Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How Fear Kills Your Future

fearful woman

It was a tangible rewiring of my brain. Where there once was a mountain of fear, overwhelm, procrastination and incompleteness, I heard the gentle yet powerful voice of the Holy Spirit say to me, “You are self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.I have given you everything you need to complete this task. I have gifted you as a writer. I have put books in your brain not to overwhelm you, but to encourage you and to give you a glimpse of your future. This is only a part of your destiny, but it is a major part.”

Then He outlined the steps for completion of Sweet Change: True Stories of Transformationmy next book which will be released on Amazon, Dec. 15. I know it is the beginning of something more that God has planned. His desire is that for all people to be set free of the bondage they find themselves in.

For years I allowed my addiction to certain foods to thwart my destiny. The love I had for sugar made me tired, lethargic and brain dead. When I, with God’s help, removed sugar and gluten from my life and began to become healthy, I began to take cautious steps into what I’ve always known was my purpose.

Many of us have done the same thing — we have allowed food to become something that enslaves us rather than fuel to accomplish God’s destiny in our lives. For many, it is the enemy’s way of making sure we don’t step into the greater things God has planned for us. It masks a fear we have of totally stepping into the future God has planned for us.

God is really angry at these tactics of the enemy. If He is, we should be too. If you are one the enemy has captured in this lie, you can start now to bring the stronghold of food you have allowed to keep you in bondage. You can do this yourself, but if you need help, think about joining Sweet Change Weight Loss Coaching and Accountability Group. We deal with many of these issues. We are really a different kind of weight loss group in that I firmly believe weight is lost by focusing on the inside rather than the outside.

In addition, read Sweet Grace and complete the Sweet Grace Study Guideif you haven’t already. Then, read Sweet Change: True Stories of Transformation when it releases Dec. 15.

God wants you to fulfill your destiny. He wants to help you release the strongholds in your life, move out in victory and teach others how to do the same thing. It may be scary, you may be afraid, but God is the one who will remove those fears. You can go forward if you really desire to. You will have to do the work, but God will help you when He knows you are serious when you say, “Whatever it takes, God.” When you say that, He will want to see action to back it up. But He will also want to see that your mind has shifted from short-term fix to lifestyle change.

Take an intentional step forward to break the strongholds today. Your destiny is waiting.


1 Psalm 139:1-6

2 Philippians 4:13 AMP

Teresa Shields Parker is an author, blogger, editor, business owner, wife and mother. Her book, Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds and Stopped Trying to Earn God’s Favor is available on Amazon in print, Kindle and Audible HERE. This story is from her blog,

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