Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How a Friend’s Simple Invitation Led to God’s Miraculous Intervention in This Woman’s Life

When she was at the lowest of low points, God broke into Dr. Kim Maas’ life. And not a moment too soon.

Although raised in church, she had spent many years walking away from Him, the ordained minister and ministry leader says on the Move Forward podcast with Dr. Kim Maas on the Charisma Podcast Network. After a tumultuous four years of marriage and two children, she had just left her drug-addicted, alcoholic husband and moved into a small apartment with her daughters when a friend invited her over.

“They were planting a Vineyard church, and she invited me to come to her house, and just have coffee and talk,” Maas says. “And so I told her the whole ugly story, and I’ve got to tell you, this woman—wow. It was the beginning of redemption in my life. Really, it was the beginning of the setup for a miracle that God would do. But she didn’t judge me and she didn’t condemn me. And she didn’t read me all the verses that told me what a sinner I was; she was actually just kind and she listened. And then she invited me to her church.

“So I went for a couple of weeks and I helped set up chairs and everything,” Maas says. “It was in a high school auditorium, and I don’t remember anything that went on in those two Sundays, but I remember afterward buying myself a Bible—first one I had had in years, and I was sitting in my very bleak apartment; my two girls were sleeping in the back room.

“And I opened up my Bible, and I heard the audible voice of God,” Maas says. “Nothing could have prepared me for that. I didn’t know that God spoke. I didn’t know that He could speak. I didn’t know that He would speak. I didn’t know that He would love me enough to speak.

“Anyway, He said one thing. He said, ‘If you’ll go home, I’ll take care of everything,'” Maas says. “And I was shocked. I was shocked, too, by hearing the voice. It was so loud on the outside and the inside; it filled up everything. When I got over the shock, then I was just mad. And I stood up, and I was ranting and raving around in the house, and I was saying, ‘Don’t you understand? Do you have any idea what you’re asking of me? Do you have any idea how badly I was treated? Do you have any idea how hurt I am?’ … I was just yelling and screaming at Him, and He didn’t say another thing. And I just had this knowing. … I knew it was a fork in the road. I was either going to go one way with the Lord and go there for the rest of my life, or I was going to go the other way on my own and never return.”

To find out what happened, click here.

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