Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

God’s Prophetic Promise for Your Marriage

Did you know God has a special design and promise for every marriage? The challenge is that since marriage is symbolic of the covenant relationship between Christ and His church, the enemy will always challenge and attack it. The wonderful thing is that when he does, you can always remember God’s prophetic promise to allow no man to put it asunder.

God’s plan for marriage begins in Genesis 1 with the creation of Adam and subsequent creation of Eve. God specifically stated that it wasn’t good for man to be alone and therefore, He creates a “helpmeet” in the person of Eve. The word helper used in Genesis 2:18 has a much deeper meaning than most people understand. Many people feel like this role is just that of walking alongside the husband, and in many cases, the position has been relegated to mean someone who is less than, or subordinate to, the husband. This was never God’s original intent. When God created Adam and Eve, His intent was that they would be able to operate as a team in the earth to bring Him glory. The enemy will do everything in his power to stop husbands and wives from working together in harmony.

One of the most amazing examples we know of is that of our good friends Gerald and Yvette Benton. They openly share their story concerning how the enemy came in and tried to destroy their marriage. Gerald and Yvette met in high school, fell in love and later married. Years into the marriage, Gerald realized there were areas in his life that had not been healed, and as a result, he found himself resorting back to unhealthy behaviors. Before long, he found himself using drugs, addicted to pornography and in adulterous affairs.

Yvette was told by many of her friends and family members to leave Gerald because he probably wouldn’t change. She even shared that there were times when everything inside her wanted to leave, but she held on to the promise God gave her concerning Gerald’s destiny. During our interview, we asked her about the prophetic promises God has shown her concerning their marriage, and we remember being amazed at her answer. She said, “God didn’t give me a prophetic promise. What He gave me was a glimpse of Gerald’s future and my role in his life as a helpmeet.” She went on to say that had she given up on him, she knew they wouldn’t be where they are now. Currently, God is using them to travel the United States and help restore marriages to health and wholeness.

God is committed to marriage, and He is committed to the words of Matthew 19:6, “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” Over the years of our ministry, we have seen God bring restoration and healing to many broken marriages. He will do the same for yours because He is committed to covenant.

Tune in and listen to the podcast to hear the entire teaching, which includes powerful confessions from the Word of God for your marriage. Our prayer is that you are tremendously blessed and thereby you receive the manifestation of the prophetic promises of God for your life. {eoa}

La Jun and Valora Cole are a ministry power-team based in Tampa, Florida, where they serve as global senior pastors of Contagious Church with campuses in Tampa, Tallahassee and Jacksonville, Florida; and Charlotte, North Carolina. La Jun and Valora are published authors of several books, including Sudden Breakthrough and their latest release, The Power of a Fearless Voice. They have appeared on television and radio stations globally, having traveled to over 85 U.S. cities and 25 countries spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their mission is to inspire, encourage and empower people around the world to discover, develop and deploy their God-given potential, purpose and destiny.

To contact La Jun and Valora, visit; dial 1-844 We R Cole; or visit, like, follow and subscribe to their social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, Twitter or YouTube. You may also listen to their weekly podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, titled Prophetic Moments with La Jun & Valora.

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