Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

God’s Call to Women to Change the World

Godly Wisdom

Women of faith always bring transformation to their neighborhoods, their cities and their nations. In 2 Samuel 20 we find the story of two nations at odds with one another. There are rebellion, anarchy, betrayal—many of the same problems we see from nation to nation throughout the world today.

In this case, a man named Sheba had led a rebellion against David, threatening the entire kingdom of Israel. One of David’s mighty men, Joab, pursued Sheba to the walled city of Abel. But as Joab and his troops prepared to destroy the city to get to their enemy inside, “A wise woman cried out from the city: ‘Hear, hear! Please say to Joab, “Come nearby, that I may speak with you”‘” (2 Sam. 20:16).

I like this passage because we never know this woman’s name. But Joab must have recognized the voice of wisdom and faith. He approached, answering, “I am listening” (v. 17).

This woman recognized that her city was on a course of destruction. She said, “I am among the peaceable and faithful in Israel. You seek to destroy a city and a mother in Israel. Why would you swallow up the inheritance of the Lord?” (v. 19).

This literally stopped Joab in his tracks and made him rethink his course of action. Why would he destroy a whole city just to overtake one rebellious individual?

“Deliver him only, and I will depart from the city,” Joab said (v. 21). So the wise woman explained the situation to the people of the city, who promptly cut off Sheba’s head and threw it over the wall. True to his word, Joab and his army withdrew (see v. 22).

Imagine: One woman’s wisdom and influence prevented the destruction of an entire city. Expect it to happen again! God is raising up faith-filled, “no name” women who have the Word of God in their mouths—women who will speak the kind of wisdom that causes the preplanned paths of destruction within our cities to be turned around and redeemed.

There are many more biblical examples of women who exercised authority that resulted in historical change. Lydia, mentioned in Acts 16, is a great model of a woman operating in the marketplace and causing the evangelization of a nation to occur. I also love Moses’ mother. She lived three months of faith that ultimately saved an entire nation (Heb. 11:23).

Deborah was an established warrior who exercised wisdom and leadership for an entire generation (Judg. 4 and 5). Jael was just a normal housewife who single-handedly dealt the final blow to an enemy of Israel (Judg. 4:17-22). And Mary’s example in John 12 continues to teach the church about servanthood and extravagant devotion.

Many women in past seasons have known they’ve had a call to influence and transform society. Unfortunately, they’ve often attempted to move out of the boundaries and timing of God to enter into this authority. This has produced confusion as well as a measure of reproach upon the whole corporate female gender.

But now, in this new time and season, God is preparing women to be leaders and spiritual mothers within His perfect plan, order, and timing. These are the women who will change the course of the world for years to come—who will be the key conduits in the faith of the future. And as women are positioned to accomplish their role on Earth, the full inheritance of God will become manifest.

Arise, women of faith, and transform your families, your cities, and your nations! You have been chosen and prepared for such a time as this.

Read a companion devotional.

Chuck D. Pierce is president of Glory of Zion International Ministries. He and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema have co-authored three books.

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