Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Fighting for the Heart and Soul of Your Child

hispanic family

Communicate in a way that brings value to the relationship. As a parent, my words have the greatest impact on my child.

A sarcastic tongue, a sharp response—these things can hurt a child’s heart. They hurt even more coming from the parent. Be the greatest protector of your child’s heart.

Your child will make mistakes. They will break things. They will spill things. And sooner than you think, they’ll be 16 years old and back into the mailbox—in your car. In these times, carefully address the problem while affirming them as a person.

Then, in those random moments when nothing is wrong, nothings was spilled, nothing was broken—when your mailbox is still standing—take these moments to speak words filled with encouragement and praise.

Watch your child light up when you tell her what you see.

See his confidence grow when you tell him you fully believe that he can be a world-changer.

Fight for their heart!

Gina McClain is a speaker, writer and children’s ministry director at Faith Promise Church in Knoxville, Tenn. Her marriage to Kyle keeps her marginally sane, while their three kids (Keegan, Josie and Connor) keep her from taking herself too seriously. Visit her blog at for more information about her ministry.

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