Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Facebook: Mania or Ministry?

woman on computer
I decided to delete my Facebook account. The mania had become too much. Facebook was sucking my life away—it was a time-waster. The platform was a breeding ground for dissatisfaction and superficial relationships. I was exhausted by the “oversharing” of personal information and the wars waged by friends with differing political ideologies. I wanted to return to the quiet days of reading a book and listening to music. The voice of Facebook had to go.  
But before I could hit the delete button on my social media life, God sent me a reminder. He reminded me that I am to be a light in a dark place. He reminded me through a Facebook private message.   
Someone I knew was hurting. This person had serious questions about life and faith. We exchanged several messages where I shared foundational truths from Scripture and offered hope and healing to a broken friend.  
Through this exchange, God opened my eyes to how Facebook could be my ministry. I could be a light in a dark place and share the Good News online. That day, I prayed and asked God to show me how to use Facebook to help advance the gospel. Facebook would be my mission field.  
Some practical ways to make Facebook your mission field include:
  • Share a verse you read during your quiet time as your daily status.
  • Post links to events in your community that support the Great Commission.
  • Share pictures from outreach efforts your family engages in.  
  • Start an online prayer group, Bible study or book club using a private Facebook group.
  • Pray for a Facebook friend each day, and send that person an encouraging message.
  • Support those who are hurting in your circle of influence with whatever resources God has placed at your disposal.  
This year, I am facilitating an online Bible study on Facebook. Many of the women in the group are strangers to me, but our hearts have been knit together as we dig into the Word each day. I was able to share my testimony with the group and explained that Jesus offers each of us salvation. I asked anyone who had questions about faith in Christ to send me a private message. 
One of the ladies in my group sent me a private message, and I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with her. Today I have a new sister in Christ.  
I am so glad I did not delete my Facebook account.  
Reprinted with permission from © Missional Women. Lyli Dunbar loves teaching. For 17 years, she mentored teenagers in the Christian school setting, and now she has serves as associate director of curriculum at Trinity International University Florida. Lyli writes about life lessons and faith on her personal blog

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