Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Enjoy Peace During Chaos With These 3 Easy Steps

Doing these 3 things everyday will prepare for your next season.

I am so grateful that I took up the challenge to be in the Word daily.

I start out my day, before I even get out of bed, by reading a Proverb. Starting the day with God’s wisdom sets the tone for the rest of the day. At the end of the day before I turn out my light I again take some time in the Word so that even in the night seasons I am thinking about the Word.

Do you want to walk in a deeper way with God? Are you hungry for more of Him?

Get into the Word daily. I promise it will change your outlook on everything you do throughout the day.

2. Take everything to God in prayer daily and immediately.

The old hymn says it beautifully, “O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer.” – What a Friend We Have in Jesus

I’m amazed at how many times I hear people say that they pray after they have tried on their own to solve a problem.

We should pray first then wait to follow our Lord’s instruction.

Isn’t that a better way to deal with the things life throws at you?

Don’t wait for a special prayer meeting at church or even your normal prayer time at home. Pray all day long. Whatever is on your mind. Whatever challenges you are facing. Pray, dear one! Don’t let time pass before your need is taken to the throne room of God. Remember, He is as near as a whispered prayer. Don’t wait. Don’t fret. Pray.

3. Look for opportunities to serve Christ every day.

When we are selflessly serving others we often find our own troubles and challenges are put into proper perspective. Does that mean they will go away? Probably not. But when we serve others, especially those who are less fortunate than us, we can learn to be grateful for what we have.

Regardless of where you are in life, whatever challenges you’re facing, I promise you there is someone worse off than you.

Helping others helps us cultivate an attitude of gratitude. That is so much better and healthier than a grumbling and negative spirit. Ask your church where to start. They are a great resource for learning where you can best serve.

A promise for when seasons change

Whatever season you are in right now, if you put these three principles into practice, you will begin to experience life in a new way.

I know that when I try to go it on my own and skip any one of these principles, I begin to grow weary and withdrawn. But when I apply them, I get outside of myself. I begin looking at life from God’s perspective instead of my own.

These principles are not profound. You could call them Christianity 101. But they are vital for growth and a healthy Christian walk.

God bless you as you walk through this season of your life. May it be a season of growing deep and strong in the Lord.

My name is Craig Swanby. I repented of my sins and gave my life to Jesus Christ in August of 1981 at the altar of a little Methodist church in Spokane, WA. My life has never been the same. I have been serving Him in ministry for over 30 years. I have served as a singer/songwriter, worship leader/pastor, lead pastor, chaplain, and evangelist. I am involved in seed planting and harvest ministry through evangelism. I have a desire to start a work here in Spokane of training and leading evangelism teams to do street ministry in the downtown area and in the parks. At this late date on the prophetic calendar I believe it is of utmost importance for the church to double her efforts in the cause of evangelism.

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