Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Do Demons Want to Harm Your Child?

child and spirit

We spoke healing, freedom and the anointing of the Holy Spirit into little Henry. Peace came on him. He was coming out of his slumber.

The following night Cathy, Henry and her Hindu husband came to a Christian service for the first time as a family. She ran to the altar with Henry in her arms. She was so radically changed I almost did not recognize her. Cathy was elated. “My unsaved husband who wanted nothing to do with the Christian Jesus came with me tonight! I am filled with joy. Henry only had one minor seizure today. Only one!”

I prayed for them again. We rejoiced in the Lord together.That night the father went home and threw out every good luck charm and demon god attached to Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism. They took Henry to the hospital two days later for more scheduled tests. Everything came back normal.

Henry had been seizure free for days. He was opening his eyes and growing more alert. The father told the hospital staff that only Christian pastors could pray for and touch their son. In the hospitals of their nation, Hindu priests make their daily routes to dedicate children to their gods. It was forbidden for any to come to Henry’s room.

Since they could find nothing wrong with Henry, the doctors dismissed him from the hospital. Cathy, Henry, and the father began to regularly attend church. The father renounced his occult practices and received salvation. Henry is totally healed.

Our God is a miraculous, delivering, healing God! One little boy’s intense battle with a stronghold of a deaf and dumb spirit led a family to seek the one true God. As a result, salvation, healing and freedom flooded in. God can take what the enemy meant for terrible harm and turn it for good. Revival and a move of God can sweep through and ignite a family to be radical followers of Him.

Adapted from Let Our Children Go (CharismaHouse) by Rebecca Greenwood.

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