Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Devotional: Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Him

woman looking up to the sky
I am with you. You know that I have told you that I will never leave you nor forsake you. Nothing has changed in that regard. You are My beloved child, and I will never abandon you.
Hang on, My child. Seek only Me. Look only to My face and My ways. I will not fail you. Truly, My answers are coming soon. Do not faint in the waiting.
Know that hope is always from Me, the God of hope. There is no other author of true, life-giving hope. Breathe deeply of My hope today. Expel doubt, fear and despair. Shake off the cloak of gloom that has been shrouding you and your joy these past many days.
Arise in new hope, in new joy, in new expectation, knowing that your loving Father will not disappoint you. I will bring all to pass that I have promised you. I know you believe that. Now believe it with joy, My child, not despondency. Keep your eyes on Me, and just see what I will do!
Your time with Me has been well spent, has it not? Don’t allow the enemy to undo one clasp on your armor of faith. Eyes on Me, My child, eyes on Me. That is the key to everything. Never glance away for even a second. Look only to Me for everything, and just see how I will provide. 
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Eph. 6:11, NIV).
Excerpt from The Listening Heart: Hearing God in Prayer by Judy Gordon Morrow. Printed with permission from Regal Books.

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