Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Could This Common Phrase Provide the Key to Your Perplexing Problems?

A few years ago, we all piled into the van in our Sunday best and headed toward church. The normally empty Sunday-morning streets were full of vehicles. Trying to make it to church on time, my husband chose an alternate route. My then-4-year-old asked, “Did you make a wrong turn, Daddy?” Grace noticed we weren’t going the way we normally traveled to church.

I explained how Daddy chose a different way to avoid all the traffic. “Oooohhh,” Grace nodded her head. “We don’t like traffic, do we? We should just ‘X’ it out!”

“Yep, we should,” I said chuckling.

And then she added, “Let’s just snap it to Jesus!”

I laughed even harder, as if it were that simple to remove the unpleasant things in life, and snapped my fingers.

Out of control debt? Snap!

Too many bills? Snap!

Health issues? Snap!

Unhappy work situation? Snap!

Marital discord? Snap, again!

While it may not be quite as easy as “snapping away” our problems, we can learn something from Grace’s child-like faith. We can take everything to Jesus. And maybe we can snap it to him after all.

S – Stop

N – Now

A – And

P – Pray

Mamas and daddies, whatever you are dealing with today, there is nothing too big that God cannot take care of it. SNAP it to Jesus!

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with gratitude, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will protect your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7).

Carol Hatcher is a former elementary teacher turned writer. This sassy Southern author and speaker lives with her husband and three children in Georgia. Come visit her at

This article originally appeared at

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