Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Cindy Trimm: Give Your Vision Voice

Your voice is one of the most unique and powerful things about you. It activates technology and wakes up Alexa and Siri. Your voice betrays your identity. A friend recognizes your voice and knows you’re in the room even when immersed in a crowd of people. The NSA has developed a mechanism that tracks vocal patterns as though they were fingerprints.

Author Cindy Trimm says your voiceprint should not be underestimated. In fact, neglecting to leverage your voice might be exactly what the enemy wants for you. If you lose confidence and suppress your voice, you will never get heard.

In her book Hello, Tomorrow! Trimm emphasizes the importance of using your voice to speak into your future. She builds on her past best-seller Commanding Your Morning, which also details how to harness the power of words and thoughts to direct your every day.

“Only you can speak to your future. No one can do it for you. Your tomorrow responds to your ‘hello’ alone. It is up to you to command your day and pronounce something to be,” she says.

Trimm refers to the famous study by Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto. His study showed that water molecules react to spoken words by changing shape. They distorted and became ugly when exposed to hateful, critical words. Conversely, the molecules brightened into beautiful, symmetrical designs when words of gratitude, love and celebration were spoken to them.

“Words are the vibrations of nature,” writes Dr. Emoto. “Therefore beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature.”

This insight into the power of words is also seen in Scripture. The Bible says that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21a). Although we may not instantly witness the tangible effects of our words on our circumstances, Trimm promises that, on every level, great change is happening.

“Words of gratitude, like seeds, will sprout more of what you are grateful for, while words of grumbling will sprout a thistle patch of more to grumble about,” she says.

Your life will take shape in the same way the water molecules did as a response to positive and negative words. This is why, as Trimm stresses, you must be intentional about what words you speak over your life.

Voiceprint Your Vision

For Trimm, vision is not just about imagining what could be. It also means mapping out the path to what will be. It’s “participating” in your future.

“This is the transformational power of vision—of being able to see those shores of possibility on the horizon. A vision that pulls you forward enables you to overcome your past and surmount the limitations of your present conditions,” she says.

You can use your voice to add fuel to the fire of your vision. By changing the way you speak, you change the way you think. Trimm encourages readers to align their words and thoughts with their vision. She even says to develop statements that describe how you want your life to look. Bold “I am” statements help mold you to fit into the future you envision.

  • I am true to my convictions and core values (Matt. 16:26).
  • I am immune to fear and blind to any possibility of failure (Deut. 20:3–4).
  • I am willing to serve others and the world, and others are willing to serve me (Luke 22:26).
  • I am cultivating a respectful attitude toward all human beings (James 2:1–10).

Trimm calls this “vision casting” and exhorts for us to practice it regularly.

“Vision casting—and crafting—is not a onetime event. It involves rescripting your inner dialogue, relandscaping the interior of your mind and redirecting deeply rooted neural pathways,” she says.

Trimm references the neuroplasticity of the brain and how its structure can shift by the changing of our ideas, choices, and words. She shows how visioneering isn’t just about focusing your thoughts on a desired change in your life. It’s about focusing your words on that desire too. To pursue a change in your life, you need to articulate the change you want to see come to pass. This is what it means to voiceprint your future.

Hello, Tomorrow! includes declarations for readers to harness the power of their words.

“Today I take 100 percent responsibility for my life—my success, failures and accomplishments. I refuse to use other people or things beyond my control as reasons or excuses for not doing everything necessary to pursue my God-given vision and live the life of my dreams! I say goodbye to yesterday and hello to tomorrow!” {eoa}

This article is based on Hello, Tomorrow!: The Transformational Power of Vision (Charisma House, 2018) by Cindy Trimm. Trimm has dedicated her life to serving God and humanity. A best-selling author, Trimm is a sought-after empowerment specialist, revolutionary thinker and transformational leader. Her best-selling books, The Prayer Warrior’s Way, The Art of War for Spiritual Battle and Commanding Your Morning have sold more than one million copies combined.

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