Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Breaking Out of Disappointment’s Vicious Vortex

The key to regaining your hope is resetting your focus.

Have you ever felt like God wasn’t paying attention to you or that you had been forgotten by God? Maybe you feel that way now. Maybe you feel as though life is mundane or drudgery. Maybe you feel like you aren’t really living at all and life just isn’t what you expected it to be. Well, I’ve got a little bit more encouragement for you.

Psalm 33:18-19 says, “The eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His lovingkindness, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.”

God is good. He is not apathetic to your personal disappointments or misery. However, if you have put your hope in something else, say, a job, a boyfriend, personal talent or anything else to fulfill what you are longing for, He is not jumping up and down and waving His hands to get your attention. Clearly your eyes are somewhere else. When your eyes are somewhere else, so are His eyes. His gaze is never wasted.

He is not looking at you only to be ignored. However, when your eyes are on Him (aka hope in Him), His eyes are on you. So maybe, just maybe, you have misplaced your hope.

Misplaced hope is a vicious cycle of disappointment. But putting your trust and hope in God does not disappoint. When you hope in the Lord, He then turns around and delivers you from a double death. He delivers your soul from death and even your body. Hey! That is good news right there!

Some of you have been walking around too long feeling half-dead. You feel like you are waiting for your life to really start. Can I challenge you to put your hope and trust in God alone? Can I challenge you to drop ever other thing you were putting your hope in? This is when you get God’s attention. This is when He notices. This is when you and God lock gazes, and He begins to move on your behalf. {eoa}

As a graduate of World Revival School of Ministry, blogger, singer and professor Autumn Darden ministers with a heart to see everyone experience the same freedom and life she has experienced. Her powerful testimony of a transformed life, prophetic singing and instruction of the Word has touched and changed many lives over the last 15 years.

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