Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Break Out of the Prison of Your Body Image

It’s great to know the pressure to look good doesn’t have to rule my life. Celebrating rather than debasing my body is a wonderful way to live.

Prayer is a powerful tool in getting free from the trap of negative body image. Right now, commit your heart through prayer to finding and doing what God says is best. Pray this prayer from your heart:

Dear heavenly Father and Creator of my body, I recognize that I struggle to know and live out what is truly perfect. I can see how my heart is drawn to Satan’s message that perfectionism is the answer.

I can easily get focused on wanting perfect beauty rather than wanting You. In the name of Jesus Christ I stand against the world of advertising, diet, the beauty industry, my vanity and Satan himself.

I resist every force that would seek to distract me from who I really am and what You desire for me to do in and through this body You gave me. I reject the distorted concepts and ideas that make body perfection sound plausible and desirable.

I oppose every attempt to keep me from knowing full fellowship with You. I open my heart to be transformed into true perfection through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Deborah Newman is a licensed professional counselor and marriage and family therapist with the Meier New Life Clinics. She has authored several books, including A Woman’s Search for Worth. 


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