Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
group of women
“And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord” (Luke 1:45).
Blessed is she …
The one who paces through the night, pouring out faith and frustrations, believing that, though it seems to have no heartbeat, her marriage will live again.
Blessed is she …
The one who weeps herself empty over the tattered photo of a child who is wandering far from God and far from home, believing for the day his heart will turn toward hope.
Blessed is she …
The one who logs hours in hospital rooms and doctors’ offices, learning the names of conditions and prescriptions she never wanted to know yet still believing in the One name that is over them all.
Blessed is she …
The one who spends money she doesn’t have on people she doesn’t know, believing her drop in the bucket might just create ripples that echo into eternity.
Blessed is she …
The one who breathes through the pain and hopes against hope and stands in the storm, not because she’s strong enough but because she believes He has spoken, and she knows in her marrow that He will perform it.
Blessed is she who sees the promise on the other side of the problem clearly enough to put the muscle of her faith into the fight of her life.
Blessed is she.
Bo Stern is a blogger and author of the newly released Beautiful Battliefields. She knows the most beautiful things can come out of the hardest times. Her Goliath came in the form of her husband’s terminal illness, a battle they are still fighting with the help of their four children, a veritable army of friends and our extraordinary God. Bo is a teaching pastor at Westside Church in Bend, Ore. 

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