Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

When A Mother’s Prayer Ignites Revival

woman praying

Women excel in intercession, in spiritual sensitivity and the release of new beginnings. Again, this doesn’t excuse men from prayer. For some of the Bible’s best examples of intercessors are, indeed, men.

I am speaking in generalities in reference to the spiritual tendencies of both genders. Neither distinction is more important than the other. Both are absolutely vital for the unfolding of God’s will upon the earth.

WE NEED A NATIONAL AWAKENING Today, we are fighting the advance of Satan in many arenas–whether in wars and terrorist attacks or with the ever-increasing expansion of iniquity in our world. We need revival. To possess a national awakening, the power God has placed in women must be released.

All the efforts of man to establish laws and govern righteously will not truly transform our culture. We need the presence of God poured out.

I am talking about something that is greater than government and righteous laws. I am saying that God is raising up and anointing a prayer army of women who are about to be given even greater power as they intercede before God for their nations.

I personally know the power of this prayer. In the late ’60s, I was a very lost young man living in sin and rebellion. Judging from my appearance, I looked hopeless. Yet, in spite of my outward condition, my dear Catholic mother stood before God for me.

Resist as I did, divine power, uniquely born of her prayers, began to hunt me down. Her cries were relentless and unceasing; often she would pray through the night for me. She was pregnant with prayer for her son. In 1970 God finally answered and during the Jesus movement revival, I came to Christ.

Years later I asked the Lord about this revival. As you may know, it has been part of my assignment to help engender citywide unity and establish prayer–things which precede revival. Yet, to my knowledge, no citywide unity or organized prayer initiative fueled the Jesus movement.

I asked the Lord, how could a revival occur without a prayer movement at its source? The Lord quickly corrected me by saying that there was a great prayer movement: He had heard the prayers of a million praying mothers, each crying to Him for their children.

From all denominations, in a “unity of desperation,” God heard the cries of believing mothers. His heart was touched and, as a result, multitudes of sinful kids found repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ. This is the army God desires to release again, but now with more vision, more power from the Holy Spirit and with the support of men as well.

Women of God, the fact is, heaven needs you! You have been created by the Almighty to birth breakthroughs on planet Earth. God has uniquely designed you with a latent ability to release life through your intercession.

You have a special grace to release new spiritual beginnings. Whether your prayer focus is for your husband or church leadership, whether you are interceding for your children, city or nation, you possess in your spirit the seed-realities that, through prayer, can release God’s life into the world.

Indeed, there is a battle; there still exists “enmity between [the serpent] and the woman” (Gen. 3:15). Satan especially hates you because it was your seed that bruised the serpent’s head.

It is amazing to me that God chose to bring His Son into the world, not through the heavens or even through a woman impregnated by man, but through a woman made pregnant by God. God Himself came to Earth through the woman’s power to give birth.

Today the Lord is giving women a new grace, a new confidence against the powers of hell. Through their intercession, these godly women will prayer-birth powerful ministries on Earth, both male and female. They will release new beginnings to the body of Christ.

Revelation 12:1 speaks of “a woman clothed with the sun.” This word is not only talking about Israel or the church. It also reveals how God sees spiritual women: they are honored and crowned with distinction; pure and clothed with the glory of God. With confidence, they tread upon the powers of night.

Dear army of praying women, awake! It is your inherent destiny to birth that which shall rule the nations.

We need the prayer army to arise. And may God help us to pray until His heavenly purpose is birthed on Earth as it is in heaven!

Read a companion devotional.

Francis Frangipane is the founder of River of Life Ministries and the author of several books, including The Stronghold of God (Charisma House), Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God (Arrow) and his newest release, This Day We Fight! (Chosen).

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