Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Are You a Spiritual Baby?

frustrated woman

One day my husband and I had lunch with a dear friend, whom the Lord has used powerfully for years in international ministry. Knowing his walk with the Lord, my husband asked him if he could shed some light on the subject of deeper union with Christ.

Our friend asked: “Do you remember how different your life became when you were born again?”

“Yes,” my husband answered.

“And did your life change when you were baptized in the Holy Spirit?”

“Yes,” my husband said. “Each time my life changed radically—unbelievably.”

“Well,” our friend continued, “multiply those two experiences by 10, and you will understand how changed a life becomes after Christ has joined Himself to the believer in this deeper union.”

Oh yes, we will know. Our lives will become charged with Life Himself. This is a depth of relationship that no believer wants to miss.

We were created to be consumed by love. Therefore, with all the strength God supplies, let us fix our sights upon the goal of Christ Jesus—refusing to be turned aside by lesser treasure or to be placated by gifts, ministry or blessings.

Deep calls to deep. The Holy One gives Himself to the holy—those sanctified to Him alone. Oh, may we be in that number!

“Anna” Rountree is actually a husband-and-wife team who spent several years in pastoral ministry. They are the authors of books including The Heavens Opened (Charisma House).

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