Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Anne Graham Lotz: Calling Esthers Worldwide to Pray for the Women of Ukraine

“The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight” (Esth. 2:17a, NKJV).

As a result of the king’s love and favor, Esther was made queen. From her unique position God used her to intercede for His people, and they were saved from slaughter.

This is a rallying cry for “Esthers” around the globe to intercede for God’s people who are under attack in Ukraine. To be honest, because of the almost nonstop attacks and suffering in my own family, I have sought to shield my heart from what is taking place in Eastern Europe. But no more. My heart is shattered. I well remember holding “Just Give Me Jesus” in Kyiv in 2005, which was attended by thousands of women. I can still hear their voices lifted in worship. I can still see their faces as they discovered how to hear God’s voice speaking to them through His word. I weep when I remember their uplifted white flags of surrender to the Lordship of Jesus.

I wonder … where are they now?

Now, when under attack from Russia? Now, when no nation is coming to their defense? Now, when husbands, brothers, and sons are kissing them good-bye before going out to resist the aggression, leaving these dear women defenseless with their children? So for those of us who are Esthers beloved by the King, let’s take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Then join me as we pray for all the saints in Ukraine, but in particular for the women:

Lord of the nations, King of our hearts,

You are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth give way. …You make wars to cease to the ends of the earth. … You will be exalted among the nations (see Ps. 46). And so we fix our eyes on You, even as we ask You to fix Your eyes on the women in Ukraine. On their behalf, we turn to You. We run to You. We cling to You. We plead with You.

God of mercies,

Please. Command Your angels to guard the Ukrainian women and children. Rescue them. Protect them. Hear their cries. Answer their prayers. Draw near to them so that they feel Your loving presence. Feed them with manna from heaven. Keep them warm as they huddle in basements and bomb shelters and subway tunnels. Give them wisdom and clear direction for the next steps. Surround them with those who will pray with them and for them. Bring Your promises to their minds. Whisper to them that they are not alone. … You are with them as they live in this valley of the shadow of death (see Ps. 23:4). Turn their hearts to hold fast to You, then deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

Lord of hosts, captain of heaven’s armies,

You have said You love justice (Ps. 99:4). You have said You will judge the world in righteousness (Ps. 98:9). Surely this is the time for all the people to see Your glory as You part Your heavens, O Lord, and come down … send forth lightning and scatter their enemies (Ps. 144:5-6). Rain down hailstones on the invading army as You did when the Amorites attacked Your people (Josh. 10:11). Terrorize the enemy forces, throw them into confusion, using hornets to drive them back as you did against the Canaanites (Ex. 23:27-28). Strike them with blindness (2 Kings 6:18). Close the airspace over Ukraine in Your own way (see 2 Kings 6:17). Send forth the angel of death to destroy the invading forces as You did when the Assyrians attacked Jerusalem (Isa. 37:36-37). Convict the Russians soldiers of their cruelty and unwarranted aggression so that they lay down their arms. What Vladimir Putin has planned, bring back on his own head. Provoke the Russian people to protest by the hundreds of thousands, toppling their evil leadership, even as he seeks to topple the leadership in Kyiv.

O God of might and glory, make Yourself known. Execute justice. Assert Your righteousness. Triumph over evil. Establish peace. We women You love who have found favor with You—we stand against the enemy on our knees, gripping the sword in our hand. Hear our prayer. Save our sisters. Give supernatural strength and courage to their husbands, fathers and sons, then bring them safely home.

For Your great name’s sake—Jesus,

Amen. {eoa}

This article originally appeared at

Called “the best preacher in the family” by her father, Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz speaks around the globe with the wisdom and authority of years spent studying God’s Word. The New York Times named Anne one of the five most influential evangelists of her generation. She’s been profiled on 60 Minutes and has appeared on TV programs such as Larry King Live, Today and Hannity Live. Her Just Give Me Jesus revivals have been held in more than 30 cities in 12 different countries to hundreds of thousands of attendees. She is also a best-selling and award-winning author. Her most recent releases are The Light of His Presence, Jesus in Me, The Daniel Prayer, Wounded by God’s People, Fixing My Eyes on Jesus, Expecting to See Jesus and her first children’s book, Heaven: God’s Promise for Me.

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