Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Alveda King Is the First Woman to Join Promise Keepers Board

U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with Alveda King.

Ken Harrison, chairman and president of Promise Keepers, announced the appointment of Alveda King, niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, to the Promise Keepers board of directors. Promise Keepers, founded in 1990 by former University of Colorado football coach Bill McCartney, is a Christ-centered organization calling men to courageous and bold servant-leadership by sparking a movement that will mobilize millions of men to follow Christ into today’s broken world as change makers for their families, churches and communities.

King grew up in the civil rights movement. Her family home in Birmingham, Alabama, was bombed, as was her father’s church office in Louisville, Kentucky. She was jailed during the open housing movement. She sees the pro-life movement as a continuation of the civil rights struggle.

Currently, King is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, serving as executive director of civil rights for the unborn for Gospel of Life, headed up by Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. She is also part of the teaching and music ministry as well as former executive director of African Humanitarian Christian Fellowship, founded by her mentor, the late Pastor Allen McNair, founder of Believers’ Bible Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

King is a former college professor, holding a Master of Arts degree in business management, and was awarded an honorary doctorate from Saint Anselm College. She also served in the Georgia State House of Representatives, is a presidential appointee and also an accomplished author, actress and songwriter.

Alveda lives in Atlanta and is a regular columnist for “Insiders” section as well as a Fox News contributor. She is the grateful mother of six and a blessed grandmother.

Ken Harrison said,

It’s time for men to start acting like men. Calling men to be men isn’t chauvinistic or somehow against women—although it is countercultural and controversial. But it is a fact that when men check out of their families, women suffer the most, as do their children—whether born or unborn. Our goal is to start a global movement of healthy masculinity sourced in absolute surrender to God that will empower and encourage men to be better fathers, husbands, friends and men.

Few people understand social movements like Dr. Alveda King. Few have sacrificed for change like Dr. Alveda King. But all-too-many women —including Dr. Alveda King—understand what happens to women and children when men fail to act like godly men. That’s why I wanted Alveda to join the board of Promise Keepers—to remind us of the stakes at risk in our mission, the urgency of the need, and to provide the wisdom to help us chart a way forward.

Alveda King said:

A pressing civil rights issue of our day is the plight of the unborn, murdered by the millions, defenseless, voiceless and “choiceless.” We are praying that men will rise up as husbands and fathers, leading to genuine life, liberty and happiness in Christ for all; born and unborn.

As my uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The Promise Keepers message and movement is needed now more than ever, and I’m glad to serve by sharing insight, energy and prayerful support to the Promise Keepers board.

By Kairos

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