Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Adding Purpose to Your Frenzied Fall Schedule

While January 1 is truly the beginning of the new year, September and October always feels like a fresh start to me. By September, in the Goyer house, we’ve just started homeschool. I started a new prayer journal, and we’re settling in to a new (earlier) bedtime routine. Although summer is fun, by the end of August, everything within me longs for routine. Over the years, I’ve learned a few ways to pursue purpose in my fall schedule.
1. Cut out anything you’re doing because you felt guilty or didn’t want to say no. This also means you should even cut things that are “good” but aren’t exactly what you’d consider your purpose. Even though something may have sounded like no big deal, it’s time to be realistic about how that decision impacts your day-to-day life. You don’t have time to pursue purpose if you’re too busy pursuing “good” things-you’ll miss out on the best things!
2. Become purposeful about chores. Create a simple chore list for yourself and your kids. Fold the laundry right out of the dryer instead of piling it on your couch. On Sunday afternoon, jot down five meals you’re make for dinner and make sure you have the ingredients. Every night, spend five minutes picking up random stuff before heading to bed. A little purposeful planning ahead goes a long way.
3. Decide on one simple step to take toward fulfilling a dream that God’s placed in your heart. Following your purpose comes from design, not default. Want to write a book? Turn off Netflix and write for 30 minutes a day. Want to complete a 5K? Find a race, sign up and then jog around your block. Little steps, done consistently add up over time.
4. Purpose to read the Bible every day—and do what it says. If I can point to the thing that’s most transformed my life, it’s this idea. I’ve read the Bible at least six times all the way through, and I attempt to spend at least 10 minutes a day reading God’s Word. I’ve also dared to follow what God asks me to do: love others, serve the poor, care for the widows and orphans. I talk about all of this in my new book Walk It Out. I would love for you to pick up a copy for yourself and a friend and learn how to walk out God’s mandates in your own life. {eoa}
Tricia Goyer is a busy mom of 10, grandmother of two and wife to John. Somewhere around the hustle and bustle of family life, she manages to find the time to write fictional tales delighting and entertaining readers and non-fiction titles offering encouragement and hope. A best-selling author, Tricia has published 50 books to date and has written more than 500 articles. She is a two-time Carol Award winner, as well as a Christy and ECPA Award nominee. To connect with Tricia, go to or
This article originally appeared at

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