Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

A Child’s Lesson on Faith for a Single Mom

single mom with daughter

The spirit of faith is defined in 2 Cor. 4:13: “And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, ‘I believed and therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore speak” (NKJV). True faith believes and speaks God’s Word, but it also acts, putting feet to faith, to be a blessing to others!

 Several years ago, as a single mom, I had stepped out of a full-time job to edit and proofread for ministers and ministries on a freelance basis. While I was building up my business, I worked temporary jobs to supplement my income.

 At this same time, my youngest daughter, 11 years old, began traveling part time with a young ministry couple and their team, taking care of their two little boys while they held services.

 One day when returning home from my temporary job, I went to the refrigerator to begin preparing our evening meal. It was “slim pickings” because my income level at this point was low, but when I opened the refrigerator, even the “slim pickings” had shrunk!

 I asked my daughter, “Where is the hamburger (and other items)?” She began to weep and told me that the ministry couple she traveled with was without food so she gave them nearly everything in the refrigerator. Through tears she said, “I couldn’t stand to see those little boys with no food,” and she added, “I know God will take care of us.” That was what she believed in her heart. It was her faith speaking.

 Initially, fear tried to overwhelm me. I wasn’t sure what to do since my income for the two of us was limited to my earnings, and at that time in my life I had no credit card. Like my child, however, I had something even better—trusting God and His Word: “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full . . .” (Luke 6:38, NLT).

 In less than an hour, the phone rang. It was a friend who, along with some of her friends, had been packing a U-Haul that day with her furniture and belongings in preparation for a move to another state. She asked, “Would you be embarrassed if I send some food your way? I haven’t packed the items in the refrigerator or in some of the cupboards yet, and both the U-Haul and car are jam-packed.”

 I did not tell her that we were without food, but I welcomed what she wanted to send our way, which was delivered to our door. In addition to five bags of groceries was a container of fully cooked steak left over from their previous evening’s meal. Obviously, we had a feast and what my daughter gave away was abundantly multiplied.

 Some of the lessons learned through this incident:

  • My daughter moved with the God-kind of love, compassion, and selflessness, with no concern that even she would be without food.

  • She fully believed that God would meet our need for food, which He very generously and quickly supplied.

  • She did not yield to fear, but put action to her faith—believing, speaking, and acting—doing what she believed was the right thing to do.

Faith pleases God. Heb. 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (NKJV) And Rom. 1:17 says, “The just shall live by faith.”

 I believe God responded so quickly to encourage and reward my daughter’s faith and love.

Remember, don’t do something just because someone else did it successfully. As a born-again believer, the Holy Spirit abides in you, so follow your heart.

 A former teacher, with B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Northern Iowa, Marilyn L. Price now is a freelance editor and proofreader. In a time of fasting and prayer in 1982, the Lord said to her, “You will edit for My champions.” For years she was editor for the late Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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