Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

7 Soul-Stirring Steps to Live With Confidence Despite Rejection

The Move to America

In 1964, my family and I left our hometown in Bolivia and arrived in St. Louis on a cold winter day. With expectations and excitement, we had packed our suitcases with hope for a glorious life in the United States. But the adjustment was bumpier than the airplane ride.

Two days after our arrival, my father looked at my brother and me across the kitchen table. “You have to go to school and learn English,” he said. “We’ll enroll you today.”

Although none of us spoke a word of English, the language of ridicule is universal. A group of sixth-grade girls surrounded my desk. They pointed, whispered and giggled.

It was my pierced ears!

Months later, I learned the reason why. What seemed odd to them was the fact I wore earrings. They stared at my pierced ears—a strange practice for American girls back in 1964.

They didn’t invite me to play with them, and their giggles toward me continued. Oh, how I missed my friends back home in Bolivia. With each stare from American girls, I sank in my seat, holding back tears. And my sense of worth and self-esteem sank with me.

And that happened because of one reason and one reason only—I turned their rejection into destructive lies: You’re inferior. You don’t fit in. You’re strange. You’re unlovable. You don’t measure up. You’ll never be accepted.

Those lies pressed pain into my heart. The kind of pain that lingers for years. I was 12 when I believed them. And they remained until I was 22, 32 and beyond. Have you been there? We smile on the outside, but inside our heart aches. It’s tied up with lies. And it continues until we decide to make this important appointment.

An Important Appointment

We decide to visit Jesus, the divine Counselor. He has the answer. And with confidence and trust, we step into the office of His unfailing love. As we pour out what’s in our heart, He listens. He washes over us with compassion. And with mercy. He offers the path. Each of these seven steps restores self-esteem, invites confidence back and plants security for our days.

  1. Change our thoughts. Think about what is just, true, good, excellent and praise-worthy (Phil. 4:8).
  2. God’s truth through His Son Jesus set us free (John 10:10).
  3. No matter how black the darkness, nothing can separate us from God’s power and His love (Rom. 8:38).
  4. We delete the past and embrace the new that God has planned (Isa. 43:18).
  5. Our feelings have no authority over God’s promises (Isa. 40:28-31).
  6. Recognize where lies come from (John 8:44).
  7. Believe; truly believe that God will turn our sorrow to joy (Ps. 30:11).

Victory comes when we choose to believe. Then with empowering confidence, we draw closer to Him where He embraces us with His arms of love, whispering: “I know how beautiful you are. I know how I created you. I know what you’re worth. And I know you’re lovable—enough for Me to die for you.”

Let’s Pray

Father, grant me the ability to remember that only Your opinion matters. Only Your Word is true. And only You have the correct description of who I am. Thank You for granting me confidence to silence lies. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  • What lies fuel your sadness?
  • What truths fill your heart?
  • How much confidence do you have in God’s promises? {eoa}

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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