Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

7 Habits Every Godly Woman Should Avoid

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4. She makes bad choices.

If you’re stuck in sin, you will begin to shun wise counsel. You won’t be open to hearing godly counsel from your parents or friends. A weak girl makes bad choices and loses her ability to even see how unwise they are. Have you ever had a friend who made a really bad choice, even after you warned her against it? That’s a sign of piled up sins and a weak spiritual backbone.

5. She is governed by her emotions.

Our culture says, “Follow your heart! Do what feels good.” That advice couldn’t be further from the truth. A weak girl allows her emotions and feelings to drive her mind and dictate her path in life. She is unstable and emotionally all over the map. A strong girl uses her mind to drive her emotions and feelings in the direction of truth, regardless of if it “feels” good.

6. She hides behind a religious mask.

Have you ever known a girl who attends church on a weekly basis, but then lives just like the world the rest of the week? That’s a sign of a weak girl. The Bible calls her a hearer of the Word but not a doer of the Word. She hears the truth in church, but doesn’t allow it to transform her life. She calls herself a “Christian” but does nothing to strengthen her relationship with Christ and grow in godliness.

7. She doesn’t view her sin nature as a problem.

The truth is, we’re ALL weak girls because of our sin nature. The only reason we’re able to conquer sin is because Jesus conquered its power when He died on the cross. It’s only because of Christ living in us that we’re able to say no to sin and be victorious over it. A strong girl realizes where her strength comes from. A weak girl doesn’t understand the power of sin and tries to fight the battles in her own strength.

So there you go!

There are the 7 habits of a weak girl. How did you measure up? Are you falling prey to any one of those habits and becoming weak?

I was personally challenged by that list and realized how easily I give in to sin. I was reminded by Mary Kassian that God is calling all Christian girls and women to be strong in Him! Our world desperately needs to see Christian girls who have a backbone and are willing to say no to evil and yes to righteousness.

That is the true definition of a strong girl.

Will you join me in the fight against weakness and strive to become a strong girl for God? I pray you will!

Take some time to pray about the list from above and ask God to show you areas of weakness in your own life. If He does, humble yourself and repent of those sins and replace old sinful habits with new God-honoring habits. The strongest girls in the world are those who are humble before God, free of habitual sin, and whose lives are driven and directed by God’s truth.

Reprinted with permission by Kristen Clark from

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