Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

7 Habits Every Godly Woman Should Avoid

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Our culture portrays a “strong” and powerful woman as one who embraces her independence from men, throws away her virginity, explores sexual diversity, and places her family second behind her career.

So many Christian girls, including me, have bought into many of the lies of what a “strong” woman looks like. Mary Kassian wisely pointed out the mind blowing fact that the Bible’s version of a strong woman looks nothing like the world.

In fact, most of what our culture upholds as “strong” the Bible calls wimpy and weak!

Crazy right?

Mary Kassian titled her message “7 habits of a weak woman” and challenged us to rethink our version of “strength.” The truth is, it takes a much stronger woman to stand up against sin than it does to give in to sin. The Bible calls us to have backbones of steel and hearts of fire that fight for His truth and wage war against sin.

Our culture needs to see more of that version of a strong girl.

Would you consider yourself a strong girl according to the culture or a strong girl according to the Bible?

Here’s the test! Read these 7 habits of a weak and wimpy girl and see how you measure up.

1. She allows creeps to come into her life.

Now these aren’t just “creeps” as in creepy guys. They’re any type of small influence or tiny sin that slowly worms its way into your life. Mary Kassian pointed out that sin doesn’t advance by leaps and bounds, it advances by small creeps. It slowly creeps into your life with a small compromise here, a small bending of the Scriptures there.

A weak girl blindly allows these small creeps to come in. A wise girl knows that the BIG sins usually don’t mess up her life…it’s the dozens of small creeps that take her down the wrong path.

2. She fails to guard her mind

Your victory over sin will be won or lost in the battle of your mind. Entertaining that first sinful thought that pops into your head is your first step in the wrong direction. If you spend your time filling your mind with lies and sinful content, you will become a very weak girl spiritually. A strong girl fights the battle in her mind and carefully guards what she puts into her head.

3. She lets things pile up.

Old and unresolved sins make you susceptible to new sins. Mary Kassian pointed out that sin makes you stupid. The more sin you hide and keep hidden in your past, the more vulnerable you are to new sins. A weak girl hides her sin and allows the devil to have a strong foothold In her life. A strong and wise girl listens to James 5:16a, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.”

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