Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

6 Things To Do If You Had a Bad Year

sad girl

Don’t take the Word of God for granted. I heard in that meeting with leaders that there were almost 2,000 tribes that had no access to the scriptures because it wasn’t printed in their language. Here were have the most powerful force on the planet that has taken down empires, changed nations and cultures in our hands. Use it!

The Word of God was meant to be spoken, sung, preached and acted on. It is not meant to stay on a piece of paper but to come out of your mouth. So press on to your future by speaking the Word of God over your life!

#6 Remember you have a heavenly prize that Christ is calling you to reach!
You have the God of the Universe and all of the hosts of heaven cheering you on in your race. There are rewards waiting for you ahead.

“Trouble chases sinners while blessings rewards the righteous.” Proverbs 13:21

I’ve seen the rewards in my own life – a godly husband and children that love God. Right now you may be recovering from your own bad choices or you’re ending a hard year. Take heart! Focus on the Word of God, press in to His Word and remember you have rewards in this life for following Him and a heavenly prize waiting for you. God and the hosts of heaven are cheering you on.

What are you believing for in 2014? Let me know and I’ll pray for you! May 2014 be a mind-blowing year for you.

Leilani Haywood is the editor of Spirit Led Woman and frequent contributor to Charisma. Leilani is a Kansas City, Mo.-based award-winning writer and columnist. She has been published in the Kansas City Star, Metro Voice and other publications. Follow her on Twitter @leilanihaywood.

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