Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

6 Keys to Preparing for Revival

praying woman

How many Christians do the very same thing with the will of God for their lives? Then they wonder why the fire does not fall and why the rain does not commence.

We have to be docile and sensitive to the will of God and serious in our service to Him. My heart is gladdened when I see the amazing commitment of some of His servants.

Step 5: We must be willing to humble ourselves and ask. When Elijah got to Zarephath, he asked a widow for some bread and water (see 1 Kin. 17:10-11).This great servant of God, who was getting ready to set all of Israel free from idolatry, had to request a plate of food from a starving widow!

How many people have been broken, not because they did not have enough to eat, but because they did not understand the purpose of the Lord in their time of scarcity? They would have overcome and survived if they had continued following God. One way or another, He would have provided all they needed.

But the terror and shame that come through not understanding God’s ways cause many to give up. They do not understand that sometimes we have to pass through tribulation, testings and struggles.

Walking with God is a faith enterprise. If we are going to continue and not lose our fire and our blessing, we have to walk by faith. Sometimes God wants us to depend directly on Him, and other times, on special circumstances He sets up.

God is doing a new work. He wants to use us, but we have to be sensitive to His presence and do what He says. We have to be willing to let Him provide in the way He chooses.

Do You Want Revival?
How many of you want revival in your nation?

God wants to use you. He is preparing you and the others who stay in His army. Those who say, “Count on me, Lord,” are the ones He is going to use in the end-time revival.

Are you willing? Do you want to be used? Do you have the kind of faith that can persevere?

I pray that the same strength the Lord gave Elijah would flood your life. The normal state in life is to be unfaithful. But when the fire of the Holy Spirit falls on the life of a servant, God gives him strength to take him forward. It is like an oil that never runs out.

Follow the leading of the Lord. If He tells you to change places, change. If He tells you to go, then go.

God is preparing you. He wants to put a resistance inside you that you have never known before. Maybe some of you have started and then quit dozens of things in your life. Right now, God wants to make you faithful, strong and firm until the very last day of your life.

I pray that you would continue walking in this glorious way until the day the Lord Jesus comes again. If you desire to prepare the altar to receive the fire of God, pray this prayer out loud and in faith:

“Lord, remove from me the superficiality that destroys any lack of commitment to You. Father, affirm me in You like never before in my life. Lord, help me, so that when You ask me to go west of the Jordan, I will go west of the Jordan. When You ask me to change places, I will change places.

Help me to go where You want me to go, O Lord. Father, I pray that You make me docile and obedient to Your Word and Your will forever. Amen.”

Read a companion devotional.

Sergio Scataglini is the founder of Scataglini Ministries. God has given Sergio a ministry to impart to others a passion for a life of holiness.

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