Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

5 Ways to Respond When God Seems Silent

Do you feel uneasy in your soul? That's God speaking to you, telling you to come to Him.

His followers cannot see Him, but all they see around them is evidence of Him. His voice does not echo in their ears; instead, it resonates in the hearts of those who pause to listen.

“Our God will come, and will not keep silent; a fire consumes before Him, and a strong tempest is around Him” (Ps. 50:3).

For many years I tried to ignore God. I wanted to do my own thing. I’d grown up going to church, so I knew He was out there. Like a toddler with her fingers in her ears, I didn’t want to pay attention. It took me sinking far enough—ending up pregnant at 17, losing my boyfriend and friends and facing depression—that I paused and listened. And what was God trying to whisper to my heart? “I love you, Tricia. I have good plans for you. Come to Me. Trust Me.”

So many times we don’t want to pause and listen to God. We know we’re doing something we shouldn’t and we expect condemnation from our Creator. Yes, God will speak to us about our sanctification—about getting our lives and spirit right with Him—but every time I’ve come to Him in defeat, the first thing I feel around me is His arms of love.

Do you feel uneasy in your soul? That’s God speaking to you, telling you to come to Him.

Do you have guilt over a sin you don’t want to walk away from? That’s God speaking to you, telling you to come to Him.

Do you have a sense there is more to life than what you’ve been experiencing? That’s God speaking to you, telling you to come to Him.

Sit before Him.
Expect a stirring within.
Open His Word.
Read His truth.
Know the words of the Bible are for you.

When you seek God, there may be a time of fire and storm—or at least that’s how it seems. But know that when He speaks, Your life will be transformed, for beyond the storm there is a gentle voice, saying, “I love you. I have good plans for you. Come to Me. Trust Me.”

 Tricia Goyer has written more than 35 books, including both novels that delight and entertain readers and nonfiction titles that offer encouragement and hope. She has also published more than 500 articles in national publications such as Guideposts, Thriving Family, Proverbs 31, and HomeLife Magazine.

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