Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

5 Ways to Overcome a Drought

I was inspired to write this by one of my clients, a fifth-generation farmer who has managed to enjoy one of the best harvests during a drought that is devastating other farmers. I believe if God had an occupation, He would be a farmer or investor because He thinks and acts like a farmer.
Here are some lessons from my farmer friend on how you can overcome a drought.
1. Plan for a drought. In Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, the Bible states, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest.” You know that during your lifetime, there will be seasons for drought. The key is to plan for the drought and set your response before the drought comes.
God spoke to Joseph about the drought that would starve millions of people in Egypt. He gave Joseph the strategy for preparing for the drought and thriving when everyone else was losing everything.
2. Put your roots down deep in the water. My client plants her pumpkins near the Missouri River bottom, where the water table is 16 feet below the ground. Thirsty pumpkins drive their roots deep to get to the water. The hard work of digging for water creates a thriving, healthy plant.
When times are good, we need to put our roots down deep into the water of God’s Word. Our nourishment in the Word is a source of life during a drought.
3. Plant your seeds strategically. My client’s workers planted pumpkins after a quick rain shower, when pumpkins can grow quickly and outgrow weeds that compete for nutrients. Your seeds are your life, your talent and your money. You want to plant your seeds in a place accustomed to God’s activity. The more seeds you plant, the deeper your life will go into the things of God.
We give a larger gift a few times during the year to support some of the major initiatives of the church we’re involved in. We’ve seen great fruit from past giving and know that the ground is healthy for planting. Plant your seeds in such a way that they produce a crop for you during a drought.
4. Work your field. When the plants were growing, my client’s staff hoed and raked the field to keep it clear of weeds. You have to pull the weeds of unproductive attitudes, negative thinking and fear out of your field. No one else can do the work. You have to work your field.
I recently took a financial management class twice at my church. I had experienced a few years of amazing increase and paid off $20,000 in credit card debt. A few years later, my income dropped to half of my usual salary. I knew how to handle money, but the stress of an unexpected major drop in income distracted me.
The financial management class gave me a road map to get to a place of increase again. My husband and I closely watch our cash flow and keep track of our budget on a weekly basis. This is hard work, but it is paying off with peace and provision. We are working our field.
5. Pollinate your plants. My client has a beekeeper that places hives near plants so they can be pollinated by the bees. When you see fruit from the seeds you’ve planted, continue to fertilize your fruit with the Word of God, acts of righteousness and giving.
Fruit is not the end result. The end result is establishing the cycle of planting, cultivation and harvest that ensures abundance during a time of drought.
Surviving and thriving during a drought takes hard work, careful planning and strategy when times are good. There are no shortcuts to protecting your assets when everyone else is losing everything. Hard work combined with faith in God will payoff with consistent provision.
Leilani Haywood is the editor of SpiritLed Woman. She is a Kansas City, Mo.-based award-winning writer and columnist. Her work has been published in the Kansas City Star, Metro Voice, Focus on the Family and other publications. Follow SpiritLed Woman on Twitter @spiritledmag or on Facebook. 

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