Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

5 Reasons You Can Trust God With Your Children

A friend of mine once said she didn't know what fear was until she had children.

5. Because We Can’t Control the Future

This is maybe the hardest one for a mother. We need to trust that God is both sovereign and good, even if our children’s future holds something that we would not want for them.

None of us know whether the future holds war, disability, broken relationships, or other suffering for our children. And the horrible truth is that we can’t protect them from it. But God doesn’t leave us alone in our struggles. He tells us:

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Is. 41:10).

The most natural expression of our trust in God is prayer. When we ask God to intercede on behalf of our children, we are saying that we fear Him more than anything. He may not answer in our timing, and He may choose something harder than we would have wanted for our children, but we can be sure that He will act according to His good character (Ps. 136:1).

Pleasing people won’t get our kids into heaven and the best opportunities won’t save them, but God has the power to transform our children and keep them secure for eternity.

What motivates your parenting decisions? Do you know you can trust God with your children?

Reprinted from Christel Humfrey is a pastor’s wife and mother. She has a B.A. in music with a minor in ballet. Against all odds, she fell in love with a cowboy. Together they have three sons and minister in Calgary, Canada. In her free time she enjoys blogging at

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