Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

5 Questions You Should Ask but Never Do

Your answers could change your life.

Joseph O’Connor said it best when he said, “The quality of a question is not judged by its complexity but by the complexity of the thinking it provokes.”

These questions aren’t complex, but are designed to make you THINK about who you are and what makes you, you!

So, now it’s your turn to see where these questions take you!

  1. Who Am I?

Knowing who you are—your values, your character and your beliefs are crucial to releasing the fullness of what you are made to do.

When you know who you are and are confident in the voice within you, your vision and clarity for the future becomes increasingly clear!

In a nutshell—“What you Believe Is Who You Become!”

This statement is why it’s so foundational for you to know who you are and why I start with this question!

  1. What Am I Living For? 

You don’t want to get to the end of your life and wonder what you were living for. Not knowing the deeper meaning beyond why you get out of bed, can eventually leave you feeling lost and confused.

Knowing what you are living for plays a critical part in how you view yourself, others and the world around you which effects the decisions you make each day and also the long-term legacy of your life.

Begin today knowing what you are living for! 

  1. What Are My Passions, Gifts and Skills? 

Throughout your life you have attained knowledge and experience that is specific to you and has helped shaped the very “meat” of what you are made to do.

Take time to identify each area below. 

Passions—the topics of deepest interest to you (can be anything from sports to hunting to under-water basket weaving) 

Gifts—what you are naturally wired for (example: athletic ability, analytical thinking, communication, etc.)

Skills—what you have practiced to attain perfection (example: creative writing, snowboarding, marketing, etc.)

As you step into your purpose you will touch lives and situations that only you have the ability to influence. Identifying these 3 areas is key to coming fully alive to what you were made to do.

  1. Am I Being Me? 

There is only one you! You are an original!

Everything about you is unique and specific to you. You could spend the rest of your life trying to be who you think you should be or who others think you should be, so don’t waste another minute not being the true you!

The world is waiting for you to come alive. You have a divine role that only you can fill.

  1. Who Is on the Journey With Me? 

Relationship. Relationship. Relationship. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that this life is all about relationships.

We were made for relationships—to connect, intimately, deeply and experience life together. Without relationships spurring us on, we are left lost, confused and alone.

Your destiny and purpose can’t be fulfilled alone. You will need help, and even where you are today is because of the love and support of someone or multiple someones in your life.

Who are those people who you are encouraging you day by day?

* Please note answering these questions often takes time and lots of reflection. Don’t let them overwhelm you, but instead dig into each one until you are able to answer confidently! It’s a process to enjoy! 

Mikaela Kate is passionate to see YOU reach your full God-given potential! Her heart is to inspire the next generation to discover who they are and what they are made to do. There is a unique VOICE locked within you, Mikaela Kate is authorized to RELEASE it!

A speaker, writer, and coach, Mikaela Kate has invested seven years in developing leaders from college-age men and women. Conducting Bible studies, women’s groups, and young adult teams she encourages others to go further and higher—taking their gifts, passions, and skills to the next level!

A graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in marketing, she discovered her love for strategic thinking, big picture ideas and meeting people where they are. These skills and passions later equipped her to plant a church with five other staff members (Veritas Church, Iowa City, Iowa). 

From there she moved to Sheffield, England, and worked as the Young Adults Leader at St. Thomas Philadelphia. While in England her passion for America grew and her desire to see her native land transformed for Jesus ignited. She sees people living out their God-given purpose as a key to the transformation of this nation. Mikaela currently lives in South Carolina and is an active member of The Father’s House Church.

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