Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

4 Ways to Position Yourself for Spiritual Breakthrough

Lasting change doesn't happen overnight, but if you focus on these 4 areas you will drive transformation in your life.

Your fast and furious 4 tips for breakthrough!

  1. Set the Right Environment (Where’s your mind?)
  • Your daily mindset creates your future!
  • What are you FOCUSING on? This effects your behavior.
  • What you believe is what you become.
  1. Remove Your Fear and Remove Your Limitations (Where’s your heart?)
  • 2 Tim 1:7 – fear paralyzes you.  Fear releases doubt and worry over you.
  • Ask God to align your heart to His – filling you with hope!
  • Don’t ignore your emotions they are a window into your mindset.
  1. Learn to Discern God’s Voice (What are your ears hearing?)
  • Hebrews 5:7-14 – Train yourself to listen to truth.
  • Who are the other voices you are listening to? Are they positive?
  • Surround yourself with people who will support you the thick and the thin.
  1. Plan of Action (What are your hands busy with?)
  • One simple step today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.
  • Make your hands are busy with what you actually hope to achieve.
  • Celebrate the small victories!

Over the next month, pick one step to focus on each week, and see how you can improve and grow each day!  Don’t beat yourself up if everyday isn’t perfect. By the end of the month, I promise you will begin to see change!

Breakthrough change that is!

Mikaela Kate is passionate to see YOU reach your full God-given potential!  Her heart is to inspire the next generation to discover who they are and what they are made to do. There is a unique VOICE locked within you, Mikaela Kate is authorized to RELEASE it!

A speaker, writer, and coach, Mikaela Kate has invested seven years in developing leaders from college-age men and women.  Conducting Bible studies, women’s groups, and young adult teams she encourages others to go further and higher—taking their gifts, passions, and skills to the next level!

A graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in marketing, she discovered her love for strategic thinking, big picture ideas, and meeting people where they are at.  These skills and passions later equipped her to plant a church with five other staff members (Veritas Church, Iowa City, IA). 

From there she moved to Sheffield, England and worked as the Young Adults Leader at St. Thomas Philadelphia. While in England her passion for America grew and her desire to see her native land transformed for Jesus ignited. She sees people living out their God-given purpose as a key to the transformation of this nation.

Mikaela currently lives in South Carolina and is an active member of The Father’s House Church.

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