Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

4 Ways to Have a Missional Marriage

Natalie and Scott Slade

As a young girl, much of my mission in life was to get married and have kids. I was known by all my friends as the one who wanted to get married right after high school and then I joked about having 12 kids. Part of that has come true because I am married now, but I did not get married right after high school and so far I do not have 12 kids.

It wasn’t really until I was in college that I began to see that God really does have a better plan for my life and I knew that He wants us to live on mission FOR HIM in all that we do, including one day in marriage. That doesn’t mean having dreams of marriage, kids, a good job, etc. is a bad thing to have. I’m so thankful that I had those dreams, but I’m also glad God taught me the importance of living on mission to glorify Him before I even met my future husband.

Scott and I talked about ways we could live missionally together during our engagement and early in our marriage. For me I really wanted to live a life so focused on God that even our children could see that God was in every part of our lives, not just someone we talked about on Sundays.

We are definitely not perfect with this every day, but I think that is why God has created us for each other because we are able to encourage one another and pray together as we focus on ways we can live on mission together. Here are a few ideas we have that you might be able to bring into your own marriage. I hope you can think about other ideas as you focus on doing everything for the glory of God even as a couple.

1. Mission of Hospitality – (1 Peter 4:8-11)
I love having people over to my home. Being hospitable is one of the things that I got from my mom who loved having people drop by for a meal or a few hours of visiting while I was growing up. It fills me with joy to have friends or family over, serve them a meal, and be able to bless them even in a small way. Instead of thinking about how small, messy, or “far away” your home might me, try inviting people over and you might be surprised by how excited and blessed they might be to have you step out and ask them.

2. Mission to Your Community Group – (Hebrews 10:23-25)
Scott and I have been part of a small community group for the past five years with our church. Being a part of a community group or a Bible study allows you to get to know a group of people in ways that normal life doesn’t always bring about. Being able to share prayer requests and life struggles with each other has allowed us to come alongside other couples in our church to encourage them, pray for them, and build relationships, everything God wants in a group of believers.

3. Mission to Your Children – (Deut. 6:7)
Being parents gives you and your husband incredible opportunity to live on mission in your children’s lives. Praying with them, reading the Bible with them, being good examples to them as someone following after Christ, having them come along as you share the Gospel with your neighbors or someone else you meet, and talking to them about living on mission is all so important. Think of the impact you have on these little disciples God has given you.

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