4 Reasons Christians Quit Following God

While we are receptive to the wonderful workings of the Holy Spirit in our day, we must be watchful in this hour. Our own well-being, as well as the salvation of other people, is dependent on how spiritually alert we are.

Instead of falling away, if we guard our hearts from losing fervent love for Jesus and His Word and maintain a servant’s heart, we can keep ourselves in the faith. We can also help keep those we are called to influence from becoming cold, lukewarm or hardened.

Those who hear and obey what the Spirit of God is saying will sense an urgency in this hour to make any changes that are needed. If there were no possibility for Christians to be deceived, Jesus would not have warned us about it. I believe He is warning us still.

Though Satan is the author of every evil thing, we can’t continue to blame him for everything.

Prayer is open, two-way communication in which God and His creatures speak and listen to one another.

Read a companion devotional.

Adapted from Avoiding Deception by Sharon Daugherty, copyright 1997. Published by Victory Christian Center. Used by permission.

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