Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

4 Joy-Filled Ways to Find Life in Your Time of Waiting

Life does not begin based on earthy relationships. You may be waiting to really live after you find that best friend, or spouse, or have your own children, or be part of a supportive work team or a gain a platform of ministry partners. You wait to enjoy life until you have these things, then wallow in disappointment, self-pity and depression when you don’t get what you longed for. Until one day, you wake up and realize this precious time on earth is flying by.
God wants you to start living!
Before anyone in this world had a chance to accept or reject you, God already designed, accepted and loved you before you even took your first breath on this earth! How amazing is that?
Everything in your life was designed to fulfill the call on your life, and God provided the way to enjoy and love life through Jesus. “[God], making known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself, as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Christ, which are in heaven and on earth. In Him also we have received an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His own will, that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, should live for the praise of His glory” (Eph. 1:9-12).
Here are some practical ways you can start enjoying life while you wait on God’s plan and timing:
1. If you are longing for a friend, start living. Draw close to Jesus, the friend who sticks closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24). Pray for God’s hand-selected friendships, and ask Him to show you who you can befriend. Go volunteer at a nursing home, hospital or foster care outreach. Go find someone sitting alone at the lunch table. The possibilities are endless.
2. If you are waiting for a spouse, start living. Draw close to Jesus, the lover of your soul. Pour you love, devotion and faithfulness to the one who unconditionally and radically loves you. Place your heart’s desires for a spouse into God’s hands, and enjoy your life. God would not have miss out on your heavenly assignment, whether you are single or married. If it’s flowers, candy, jewelry and vacations you want, then make them happen. Treat yourself. Take a mission trip. Experience this beautiful world God gave us.
3. If you are waiting to become a parent, start living. Do not be limited by your circumstances. Change your perspective. Pour your love out to the babies and children in your extended family, church or a community. Foster or adopt children. Sponsor a child overseas. God blesses us with opportunities to parent children in a multitude of ways.
4. While you wait to connect and fit in with co-workers, start living. Ask God to help you be a shining light for Him. He may or may not have you build earthly relationships with them, but will use you in that season to be a light and living testimony. Listen, observe, pray for them and be ready to do whatever God leads you to do. When you go about His business, He will take care of yours.
5. If you are waiting for a platform of ministry partners, start living. God’s platform for you may be different than what you think. Be faithful with whatever He gives you. Start sharing your testimony with one person. Volunteer and serve at your local church wherever the need is communicated. Ask God in faith for a platform to reach the world, but let revival start in your own heart and life. Do not despise small beginnings (Zech. 4:10). If you are faithful with the little, you will be ready to be faithful for the larger things God has for you (Luke 16:10).
The purpose for your life was predestined before you were ever born. The decision to enjoy your life and walk out your call from God is up to you. Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, “A man’s heart devises his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
The God who created you is with you always and will give you everything you need to enjoy life.
Remember, your life does not begin based on your earthly relationships. Start living! {eoa}
Pastor Meg Hart founded Restored Women in 2015 and Restored Global in 2018, both ministries birthed into her heart from God as a result of the great revelation, redirection and restoration she experienced through Jesus.
She is an ordained pastor through Global Ministries and Relief Inc. and the Full Gospel Fellowship. She holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership from Regent University and is currently in her final year as a doctoral student for the Ed.D. in performance improvement leadership.
She is the proud mother of one daughter, Mackenzie, and serves at Life Church in Williamstown, New Jersey.
This article originally appeared at

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