Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

4 Clear Signs Your New Friend Is a Divine Connection

Divine connections are just more evidence of God's great love for us.

I was recently in Texas visiting with some dear friends. We spent hours sitting around the kitchen table, talking about the faithfulness and the love of God and encouraging each other regarding what He is doing in and through our lives.

In the midst of our conversation, I felt like Jesus was sitting right there at the table with us smiling. It wasn’t just a warm loving smile, but a big cheesy grin. I couldn’t ignore this feeling and it started to overwhelm me a bit, which made it hard for me to pay attention to the conversation happening around me. I placed my head on the table with tears flowing down my face and after a few minutes I heard this so clearly in my spirit: “This covenant. This conversation. This I love. You’re feeling the weight of my pleasure.”

It was such a beautiful moment that reminded me of how much of a relationship strategist God is. There are divine connections that God has pre-ordained for our lives. These are priceless relationships that are very much tied to our destinies and God-given assignments. He not only orchestrates these relationships, but He honors them with His power, presence and love and brings increase to us through them.

I like to call these Holy Ghost hook ups. These are “multiplier” relationships that accelerate your growth and activate the plans and purposes of God in your life. Things that may have ordinarily taken you 15 years to accomplish take five years because of the exponential power of divine relationship. Many times you’ll experience a deeper sense of friendship and trust within a mere few months than you have with people you’ve known for decades. What a precious gift!

Recognizing Divine Connections in Your Life

Considering that above all else our heavenly Father desires a relationship with us, it makes sense that He places so much value on our relationships with each other. Just as God has divine connections in mind for you, you are also the divine connection that someone else is waiting for. It’s important to recognize and embrace these relationship gifts He places in our lives, so here are a few ways to help you identify them. Not all of these will necessarily apply, but at least one of them will:

1. The person “up levels” your purpose or assignment.

Have you ever had a conversation with a person who is able to grab hold of your vision (business, ministry, or personal) and take your thinking about your vision to a new level, adding life to it? It could be through a new idea, an expansion to your idea, or a new dimension to your vision but it will be something that neither distracts nor detracts. It will resonate in your spirit.

2. The person encourages you, motivates you and simply won’t allow you to quit.

These people are genuinely excited about what God is doing in your life. They may not even understand the details or have any expertise in what you’re doing, but their hearts are connected to yours. These people will reach out to you and offer prayer or an encouraging word at the perfect moments.

3. The person actively seeks opportunities to connect you to resources you need to facilitate progress with your purpose or assignment.

These people are not about “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” These people give from their heart and are willing to help even when there is no immediate payback for them because they are Kingdom minded and responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

4. Whenever you’re with this person, you sense the presence of God in the midst of your gatherings.

Your conversations are divinely inspired; they are anointed conversations about life, ministry, family, business. There are some people whose mere presence activates or ignites you. You’re more creative, more inspired, more on fire for the kingdom.

Not every divine connection is a lifetime relationship; in fact, many of them won’t be. The good news is that you don’t have to figure out the roles people play in your life or the length of time for the relationship all on your own. Ask the Holy Spirit and allow the Spirit of God to lead and guide you in your relationships. If and when there’s a shifting, the season is ending or the dynamics of relationship are changing … you will know because the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you.

Evidence of God’s Love

Divine connections are just more evidence of God’s great love for us. He sees us, He knows us and He has great things in store as we seek Him first. My prayer is that you’ll remain open to these relationships, expect to see them increase in your life and give them extra care when they do. They have certainly changed my life forever.

Shae Bynes is a passionate storyteller, best-selling author, and engaging teacher whose life was completely changed by encountering God. She enjoys the response she receives when she tells people that she is a Firestarter, igniting fires in the marketplace and in the bedrooms around the world. Shae has authored several books on the topics of God-centered and Spirit-led business and marriage and is the Host of The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast. Visit to learn more.

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