Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

3 Ways This Unexpected Prince Charming Can Heal Your Heart

Valentine’s Day may have been a hard one for some of you. In an earthly, relational sense, it has been years since I was held, kissed and told that I was loved. After years of healing and spiritual restoration, I decided a long time ago that rather than be depressed and wait for something (or someone) that may or may not ever happen in this lifetime, that I would look to someone greater than Prince Charming, who brings eternal satisfaction and fulfillment.

He tells me I am beautiful despite my extra pounds, wrinkles, gray hairs and stretch marks. He tells me He loves me every day and even wrote me a love story. He champions me to be greater than I think I am. I love him so much I want to share Him with you because He is too amazing to keep all to myself.

If you are feeling lonely this Valentine’s Day season, missing someone who has left this earth or patiently waiting for the one God selected for you, embrace the one who provides unconditional and everlasting love. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and lover of my soul. He brought me hugs and kisses through my daughter and puppy, and He brings me surprises and blessings through the kindness of others. He engulfs my heart and soul with words of love, passion and encouragement. His name is Jesus, and He will provide love like you have never and will never experience with anyone else!

After trusting Him with my heart, the voids have been filled to overflowing. My heart beats with the passion for souls and the eternal live connection I have with Jesus. Rather than lamenting on what I don’t have, I now seek ways to help those who may be experiencing loneliness and pain by showing them love, compassion and kindness.

Every Valentine’s Day, I have a group of friends over for a Love One Another night and celebrate them by giving gifts, praying for them and loving them. Because of the love of Christ, my heart is so full serving others that I am no longer sad during this time. If you are feeling empty, here are three ways to let the love of Jesus fill you, so you can pour out to others.

  1. Fill the voids in your heart with the love of Jesus. Nobody on this earth will ever love you more. We may feel the pain of earthly loss, but through faith we can connect our hearts to the One who can bring us eternal healing and fulfillment.

That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God (Eph. 3:17-19).

  1. Live each moment eternally focused, fulfilling the Great Commission from the one who loved us the most. Jesus died so that we could reconnected to the love of God for all of eternity. The pain we feel now is only temporary. By faith, choose to accept and show His love.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20).

  1. Reach out to others who need love, compassion and kindness. If you are sad you didn’t receive gifts or flowers, go buy them for someone else. If you have not been told that you were loved or valued, go find others who feel the same and tell them you love and care for them. Serve others with the humility and kindness of Christ, and your heart will be so full you can hardly contain it!

If there is any encouragement in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any compassion and mercy, then fulfill my joy and be like-minded, having the same love, being in unity with one mind. Let nothing be done out of strife or conceit, but in humility let each esteem the other better than himself (Phil. 2:1-3).

Never forget that Jesus loves you fully, completely and eternally. Accept, embrace and value that love and introduce Him to as many people as you can! {eoa}

Pastor Meg Hart founded Restored Women in 2015 and Restored Global in 2018, both ministries birthed into her heart from God as a result of the great revelation, redirection and restoration she experienced through Jesus.

She is an ordained pastor through Global Ministries and Relief Inc. and the Full Gospel Fellowship. She holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership from Regent University and is currently in her final year as a doctoral student for the Ed.D. in performance improvement leadership.

She is the proud mother of one daughter, Mackenzie, and serves at Life Church in Williamstown, New Jersey.

This article originally appeared at

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