Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Power-Packed Tools to Help You Keep Your Prayer Life on Point

I have always wanted to be a prayer warrior, but because I am a highly energetic, sometimes ADD-type of person, it was a bit challenging. I used to read books by great heroes of the faith who spent hours on their knees and wonder, Why can’t I be like that?

Then I realized: God only calls me to be me. Gradually, as I began spending the first 20 minutes of my time with Jesus listening to worship music, using a prayer journal to record requests and learning to pray on the spot as prayer requests came in, I realized I was spending more and more time in prayer. It was really more like an ongoing conversation with the Lord that continued all day long.

Paul wrote, “Continue in prayer, and be watchful with thanksgiving, while praying also for us, that God would open to us a door of utterance to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains” (Col. 4:2-3). As I’ve studied that verse, I’ve realized that cultivating a dynamic prayer life is much easier than we tend to think. It takes a few good tools and a bit of intentionality.

3 Tools I Recommend to Keep Your Prayer Life Dynamic

1. Download worship music on your phone. Here’s why I do this. First of all, downloading and buying the music honors the artists. But, beyond that, with worship music on my phone, I can spend time in worship no matter where I am in the world. I carry my phone and earphones to every country and on every plane. This way, I can get on my knees and begin each day by spending time in worship. Whether I am in Africa, or Central Asia, I have my music with me and can start each day with a praise-filled heart. Many of you don’t travel as I do, but by having your music on your phone, you can cultivate the habit of personal praise every morning. By using earphones, you’ll block out other distractions. If you’re in a season of raising toddlers, you might not be able to do this unless you get up before they do, but you can play the music out loud while you’re fixing breakfast and allow it to prompt your inner praise and you get little people ready for the day.

2. Keep a prayer journal. I’ve been doing this since college. I often write out my prayers using Scriptures in my journal. Then I can look back and keep track of the answers God has given. I am praying very specific Scriptures over my husband, kids and grandkids. As I faithfully write these down and keep track, I am delighted to see God answering those prayers. I also use a prayer calendar. The calendar allows me to keep track of specific dates people have asked me to pray about. It might be a surgery or a job interview, but having it recorded on my calendar means I won’t forget to pray.

3. Use text messaging, What’s App or Voxer to check in with friends about their prayer requests. I have a bunch of friends who have busy lives like mine. We may not be able to talk every day, but it’s easy to check in with a text message. When a prayer request comes in via text message I reply and then immediately pray for that person, so I don’t forget. What’s App and Voxer allow me to check in with those who live overseas and also allow me to communicate when I’m overseas.

The truth is if you’re intentional, you can devote yourself to prayer. Why don’t you try and let me know how it goes for you! {eoa}

Becky Harling, an author, certified speaker, leadership coach and trainer with the John Maxwell Team, is an energetic and motivational international speaker inspiring audiences to overcome their greatest life challenges and reach their full God-given potential. Her most recent book is How to Listen So People Will Talk. Her husband, Steve Harling, is the president of Reach Beyond, a nonprofit organization seeking to be the voice and hands of Jesus around the world.

This article originally appeared at

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