Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

3 Keys to Raising Up Leaders

ministry group

As a ministry leader, everything I read tells me my greatest asset is my ability to duplicate myself in top-level leaders around me. Whether paid staff or high-capacity volunteers, my role in ministry is to help them increase their capacity to lead.

When we increase our capacity to lead, we carry out God’s call on our life more effectively. In my opinion, it’s a matter of stewardship. And my goal is to be the servant who learns to multiply what God puts in my hands, not bury it.

But embracing this truth and understanding practical skills to make it happen are two different realities.

This past year I’ve discovered a key method to equip some of the top-level leaders around me. It’s surprisingly and amusingly simple.

I give them insight into the process.
A glimpse “behind the scenes.”
Insider information about the who, what, where and why.

Especially the why.

I know that sounds incredibly ridiculous. Maybe even anti-climactic. Why is something so simple so valuable?

Great question. I’ve discovered there is very little I should assume about how others perceive my actions. Instead, I win when I help them understand my actions.

When I’m addressing an issue, there is always a strategy behind the timing of my conversations, the person I choose to approach and what I ask them to do.

And if I want to duplicate my leadership in those around me, then drawing them into my process is a key component. Giving them insight into the why is critical.

For example, this past week I had to shift gears and put several unplanned hours toward resolving a need for my team. There are certain conversations I had before, during and after the problem was addressed. In an impromptu meeting with two leaders on my team, I laid out the steps that I took. Then I said…

Let me tell you why I just did that …

And I gave them the why.

Too many times I’ve been guilty of laying out the what, where and when of how to resolve and issue. But fail to communicate the why.

And the why is the most important part.

The why helps people understand the what.

The why removes the mystery and equips them with the tools to lead through a similar situation.

The longer I lead the more I learn, there are few leadership techniques that are profound … just incredibly intentional.

Gina McClain is a speaker, writer and children’s ministry director at Faith Promise Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Her marriage to Kyle keeps her marginally sane, while their three kids (Keegan, Josie and Connor) keep her from taking herself too seriously. Visit her blog at for more information about her ministry.

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