Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

3 Keys to Getting Out of the Pit

woman reaching for Jesus

One reason Scripture is such a big help in prayer is because our challenges are often so overwhelming that we can’t think of the right words to say. Another reason is because we can shift the burden of responsibility to God and His Word rather than ultimately crumbling under the weight of it ourselves.

God’s Word carries its own supernatural power. It’s His very breath on the page that, when you voice it, you release into your own circumstances (2 Tim. 3:16). Yes, faith is absolutely critical to the process, but you can’t just sit in that pit until one day, out of the blue, you suddenly have the faith to get out. Let God use your mouth to build up your faith.

Don’t let up when you begin to feel better. Feeling better is not what we’re after. The goal is freedom from the pit for the rest of your life.

On days when you feel overwhelmed or discouraged, get to your Scripture prayers all the faster. On the days when you want to do it least, do it most.

Expect your flesh to balk. Whatever you do, don’t quit. Show the enemy that if he messes with you, you’ll just call out God’s Word all the more.

I want so badly for you to be victorious, and I know you can be. You have the power of the entire Godhead behind you. You have the Father’s will, the Son’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s way. What more could you need?

You’ve got nothing to lose except a pit. So start making some noise.

Beth Moore is a writer and teacher of best-selling Bible studies whose public speaking engagements carry her all over the world. She’s also the founder of Living Proof Ministries. A dedicated wife and mother of two, Moore lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband, Keith.

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