Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Conflict Resolution Lessons From Humble Moses

2 women arguing

It is tempting to say, “God, I’m glad You showed up. You show these people how wrong they are!” Instead, if we use the opportunity to get to know God more, we might say, “God, if that is You, help me to act like You,” or, “Lord, if this is You, please help me see things like You do.”

For both Moses and the disciples, these incidents were pivotal and foundational. They not only knew God better, but they also were called to deeper levels of responsibility. For Moses, within a short time, he was leading the entire nation of Israel out of slavery. The disciples continued with Jesus and eventually put their lives on the line for His message, using all their energy to grow the church and introduce people to the One who could make a real difference.

What about you? What type of hard time are you going through? Are you like Moses? Has God showed up where you were comfortable and called you to change? Or, like the disciples, do you feel like you’re drowning, but the hard times just kept coming?

How can you engage God in the middle of your stress so your relationship with Him grows deeper? Tell us on Facebook.

Kim Martinez is a regular contributor to Ministry Today magazine’s blog. She is a writer, speaker and ministry coach. You can hear more from her at

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