Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

3 Big Reasons the Grace Message Needs Balance

Grace is so much more than undeserved favor; it is more than just forgiveness of sin. So what is it, really?

And all of this would be discouraging for us, if not impossible, if it were not for grace,

Grace enables to do what we could not otherwise do!

Through grace, God forgave our sins, when the penalty should have been death. But He didn’t stop there; grace is in abundant measure to us each day so that we have the power to reject sin and embrace holy living.

Grace doesn’t say, “To err is human. So don’t worry about it.”

It says, “To err is human, but you have Almighty God dwelling in you, so you can rise above sin and live holy!”

That is grace!

2. Without balance it negates Christ’s sacrifice. When grace is not balanced by righteousness and holiness, it permits a measure of sin and insults the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

If God is prepared to look the other way when we sin, why did He reject His Son on the cross?

Furthermore, why did Jesus die at all?

If some sin is permitted under grace, who decides which sin is permitted and which sin isn’t, and on what verses do we base this assumption?

And if it’s true that some sin is permitted or able to be swept under the rug of grace, then what do we do about heaven? The Bible teaches that perfection is the requirement.

Grace—true grace—enables us to walk in the power that Christ purchased for us when He descended into hell as a victorious warrior and ripped the keys of death, hell and the grave from Satan’s slimy talons!

“But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit that lives in you” (Rom. 8:11).

This is grace! God bestowing upon us the power to live a new life – resurrection life!

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