Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

20 Thanksgiving Journal Prompts for Your War Room

In March of 2016, after seeing the movie War Room, I looked around my house, trying to find even a small corner that I could call my war room.

After coming up empty-handed, I came up with a great idea: I would make my war room a journal.

Not only was creating a war room journal more practical for me, I could take with me anywhere. I could let it grow with me as I grew in my prayer life.

It wasn’t long before I realized that many other people were creating war room journals as well. Some of them elaborate. Some of them simple, like mine.

I love the idea of a war room journal, because it’s a great place to write out our prayers.

Writing out our prayers is a great form of prayer, because it forces us to slow down and really think about our prayers as we’re writing.

20 Thanksgiving Journal Prompts for Your War Room 

1. A prayer of thanksgiving for something you’ve been blessed by lately.

2. A prayer of thanksgiving for your church.

3. Write out your favorite verse, and then use that verse to write out a prayer.

4. A prayer about something you feel is lacking in your spiritual life, and thank God that He is completing a good work in you.

5. A prayer of thanks for who God is—use a specific name of God.

6. A prayer of thanksgiving and blessing for your neighbors.

7. A prayer of confession and then thankfulness for God’s forgiveness.

8. A list of worries and then thankfulness that we can cast all our cares on Him.

9. A prayer of thanksgiving for your spouse.

10. A prayer of thanksgiving for someone in your life.

11. A prayer for your needs and thanksgiving for God’s provision.

12. A prayer of thanksgiving for a missionary.

13. A prayer of blessing for someone with whom you do not get along.

14. A prayer about a spiritual battle you are having, and then thanksgiving that God has won the battle.

15. A prayer of thanksgiving for your favorite memory.

16. A prayer of thanksgiving to God for all you have.

17. Your Bible character, and a prayer of thanksgiving for how this character has helped influence your life.

18. A prayer of thanksgiving for your governmental leaders.

19. A prayer of thanksgiving for something in your life you cannot change.

20. Your favorite worship song.

I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving war room experience. Check out these printable Thanksgiving War Room Journal prompts. {eoa} 

This article originally appeared at

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